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Cyclist shares image of unexpected object discovered in tire during repair: 'Annoying how [people] think it's OK to throw these things on the ground'

In the United Kingdom, 5 million disposable vapes are discarded each week.

In the United Kingdom, 5 million disposable vapes are discarded each week.

Photo Credit: iStock

A cyclist in London shared a frustratingly common experience: a flat tire caused by a littered disposable vape.

They shared a photograph of the culpable device and their busted tire tube in the r/Bicycling subreddit, writing: "Puncture in London - Found a vape in my tube. Only realised when I was repairing the tube."

In the United Kingdom, 5 million disposable vapes are discarded each week.
Photo Credit: Reddit

The Cool Down has written about many such instances, though this is the first to involve a bike.

"It's annoying how ppl think it's OK to throw these things on the ground," one commenter wrote.

Another said: "This is the main reason I hate disposable vapes. People just chuck em wherever when they're done. I'd rather the inconvenience of a chunky vape that I have to drip constantly than something that randomly dies and I need to buy constantly."

Disposable vapes are just one of many items that get tossed carelessly aside, polluting our environment and harming our health.

In the United Kingdom, 5 million disposable vapes are discarded each week. By law, sellers are supposed to accept the gadgets, but the BBC reported that many do not.

Vapes are particularly dangerous as trash since they contain lithium-ion batteries, which can explode or catch fire if they're not handled properly. Throwing a vape into the street definitely meets that criteria.

The metals, plastic, and other components of the implements — whose aerosols cause lung injuries and even deaths — contaminate soil and water, affecting ecosystems, and wildlife. Those hazards aren't the half of it, though.

Vaping with nicotine is just as addictive as cigarettes, and it can lead to withdrawal symptoms, according to Johns Hopkins University. The toxin leads to high blood pressure and increases the risk of heart attack. Most concerning is that vapes contain unknown chemicals, so their effects on the body are also unknown.

To find out how to handle vape waste responsibly, check your local recycling options. In the absence of stronger government action on the product, applying publicpressure on tobacco companies, which are greenwashing their role as the root of the problem, can help. That includes talking with co-workers, friends, and family as well as voting at the ballot box and with your wallet.

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