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If you're not happy with your energy provider, this company can help you switch

It's not just about saving money — it's about having the option to support cleaner energy sources.

It's not just about saving money — it's about having the option to support cleaner energy sources.

Photo Credit: iStock

Want to save money on your energy bills while helping the planet?

Get ready to explore the world of deregulated energy — a game changer that's shaking up the way we power our homes and businesses.

What is deregulated energy?

Imagine a world in which you're not stuck with a single energy provider but instead have the freedom to choose.

That's deregulated energy, according to experts at MarketWatch. It breaks up the old-school monopolies and lets you pick your electricity or natural gas supplier, just like you'd choose your favorite ice cream flavor.

Why is deregulated energy important?

Deregulated energy markets create competition, which can lead to lower prices and more innovative energy plans. It's not just about saving money — it's about having the option to support cleaner energy sources and drive innovation in the industry.

As of an update from July, 32 states and Washington, D.C., have embraced some form of energy deregulation, MarketWatch says. That means millions of Americans now have the power to choose their energy provider and slash their utility costs.

How deregulated energy helps the environment

Choosing your home's electricity source is one of the best ways to save money on energy while helping the environment. In states with a deregulated energy market, you have the power to pick plans that align with your values and your budget.

Want to support renewable energy without breaking the bank? You got it. Prefer a fixed-rate plan to avoid price surprises? No problem. So long as good choices are available in your area, it's like being handed a menu of energy options tailored just for you.

And here's a pro tip: If you live in a deregulated state, SaveOnEnergy's free tool can help you compare energy plans. It's like having a personal energy shopper who helps you find the best deals on clean energy.

Perks of deregulated energy

But wait, there's more. Deregulated energy markets frequently come with some sweet perks:

• Flexible contract lengths: From month-to-month plans to multiyear contracts, you can often choose what works best for you.
• Unique benefits: Some providers offer solar buyback programs or smart home technology bundles.
• Innovation boost: Competition encourages providers to develop new, eco-friendly energy solutions.

Remember, while deregulated energy offers some exciting possibilities, it's important to read the fine print and understand your options. A little research goes a long way.

By embracing deregulated energy, you're not just potentially saving money — you're joining a movement that's reshaping the energy landscape. So, take a moment to explore your options. Your wallet and Mother Earth will thank you for it.

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