One homeowner was determined to turn their new home's yard into an enchanted meadow, and judging by the photos, that's exactly what they did.
While lawns have been fashionable for a long time in the U.S., there is an incredible range of alternatives that don't need all the weeding, watering, mowing, spraying, and investment.
One option is to replace the grass with low-maintenance plants like clover or native wildflower species that will need less water and reseed themselves. A company like Yardzen can help you choose the right mix of plants for your area.
For this Redditor, it was a no-brainer. "Went ham with clover, wildflower, and pumpkin seed to kick off landscaping at the new house," they said in their recent post in an anti-lawn subreddit.
Their photos showed incredibly lush growth all around their home. Some areas were thronged with mixed wildflowers, while others were carpeted with clover. They even snapped pictures of four- and five-leaf clovers and a few visitors.

"The critters love it," they said. "I've seen more pollinators in my yard this year than I have in the last decade combined." They backed that up with multiple photos of butterflies — and one adorable shot of a baby fawn bedded down in the greenery.
"I definitely have taken some notes on things I'll do different next year, but I'm really happy with this first run," the original poster said. "I love to frolic and build wildflower bouquets. I love having a little picnic and finding clovers with way too many leaves. I love when people walking by stop and enjoy beholding the whimsy. F*** lawns. Long live the fairy garden."
"It looks so beautiful; great job on this," one person commented.
"I love this!" said one commenter. "I used a seed mix that has some of the same flowers you ended up with, and both the pollinators and I love it."
"The wind hits those flowers just right and it makes our whole patio smell so nice!" the original poster replied. "We have so many butterflies and bees, and even the wasps are super docile. Everybody loves the flowers!"
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