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Expert shares amazing lemon hack for removing set-in stains, smells from old cutting boards: 'I need to do this'

"You can repeat as many times as you need."

Amazing hack for cleaning stained cutting boards

Photo Credit: @home.and.chaos / Instagram

Tired of stained plastic cutting boards? Just grab a few household ingredients and watch those stains and odors disappear.

The scoop

DIY Instagrammer Alissa (@home.and.chaos) shared a video of how she deep cleans her plastic cutting boards using nothing but a lemon, baking soda, and white vinegar.

In the video, Alissa places the cutting board in the sink and sprinkles its surface with baking soda. Then, she pours some white vinegar over the board, allowing it to foam and sizzle before scrubbing the board with half of a lemon. After that, she simply rinses the cutting board and lets it air dry.

"You can repeat as many times as you need," Alissa says in the video.

Baking soda scrubs away stubborn stains, white vinegar deodorizes, and lemons kill bacteria and cut through grease. Together, the three can freshen up even the most well-used cutting boards.

How it's helping

Instead of spending money on pricey cleaning supplies, Alissa's hack helps revitalize plastic cutting boards with items the average person probably already has at home — lemon, baking soda, and white vinegar. It's a quick, easy, and cheap solution to pesky stains and odors stuck on your cutting boards.

In addition to saving you money, skipping the cleaning products keeps our environment just a little bit healthier. Though green cleaning products do exist, many cleaners contain chemicals and toxins that are dangerous to both your health and the health of the environment. By using everyday items instead of potentially dangerous cleaners, you're keeping pollution out of our water, air, and land.

What everyone's saying

Commenters were excited to find a cheap and easy way to clean their plastic cutting boards. "Oh, so good! I need to do this to ours," one person wrote. "I'll be trying this for sure!" another added.

"I've done this before, [it] works great," one commenter shared.

One user asked if the same process works on wooden cutting boards. "For wood, it's a different process — lemon and salt with baking soda," Alissa replied.

One commenter shared a tip for returning white cutting boards to their original color. 

"Put the white plastic ones with food stains in the sun after you clean them and the sun will bleach them white again," they shared.

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