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Home influencer shares nontoxic cleaning tip for stained Dutch ovens: 'Mine is sparkling'

"Wow! I will totally try this!"

"Wow! I will totally try this!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

Using your nice big Dutch oven for delicious stews and other meals can leave some baked-on residue. One TikToker showed us how to clean these ceramic pots back to sparkling new.

The scoop

Lovelivedream (@lovelivedream82) is a TikToker who shares their "Love for HomeDecor, Hacks and Shopping Trending Products." In one clip, they show us the method they use to clean a Dutch oven with baked-on stains. 

@lovelivedream82 I like to use my big Dutch oven often for baking sourdough and even after being washed with soap and water over time the stains start to set in and it's time for a re-set and a deep clean! Like vinegar, baking soda makes another great addition to your non-toxic cleaning arsenal! 1). Fill your pot with warm water, add 1/4-1/2 cup baking soda. 2.) Place pot on stove, bring to rolling boil for between 10-20 minutes depending on your pots condition. 3). Drain pot, fill with fresh warm water & dish soap. Use a non-abrasive scrubby (avoid metal scrubby on ceramic coated cast iron pots will scratch). 4.) Give your pot a good rinse and dry as usual. (Before discovering this method of using baking soda, I had in the past used the soak in bleach trick) I wanted to find a method that was less toxic, when it comes to cleaning with items I especially cook with. Baking soda single ingredient and non toxic to use. #homesteadcleaning #homesteadcleaningtips #nontoxiccleaning #homecooking #homemade #bakingsodacleaninghacks #homesteadmama #homecleaninghacks #lecruesetcleaning #lecreuset ♬ original sound - Lovelivedream

The method uses just a couple of ingredients and heat. Start by filling your pot with warm water and one-fourth to one-half a cup of baking soda. Next, place the pot on your stove, "bring to rolling boil for 10-20 minutes" and drain.  At this point, your stains should loosen up and come off with soap, warm water, and a bit of scrubbing. 

Rinse, and, "Voila, ready to do some more cooking & baking," the TikToker shares. 

The before-and-after shots of their enamel pot are quite impressive. The Dutch oven goes from burnt-on stains to looking bright and almost brand new. 

How it's helping

Baking soda is likely an ingredient you already have, and it can be used for cooking, cleaning, and more. You may not know it, but baking soda has been used in cleaning for millennia.

"Ancient Egyptians used it as a cleaning agent," writes The Kitchn. The reason for its staying and cleaning power is its pH. The product can be used to clean everything from berries to silverware

Baking soda will also save you from spending money on multiple specialized cleaning products that often come packaged in polluting plastic. According to our guide, "Using natural on-hand options half the time could mean $90 of savings per year." In addition to stretching your budget and being versatile, baking soda is a more natural, eco-friendly product. 

When it comes to typical cleaners, the Environmental Working Group reports that "these everyday products may release hundreds of hazardous volatile organic compounds … having the potential to cause health harms such as respiratory system damage, increased cancer risk and developmental and reproductive impacts."

If the results of cleaning with baking soda don't already speak for themselves, these other benefits may help motivate you to give it a shot. 

What everyone's saying

Commenters were impressed by this simple hack

One person wrote: "Mine is sparkling. Thank you for this cleaning tip."

Another person said, "Wow! I will totally try this! Thank you!"

Someone else gave a variation on the cleaning hack, saying: "Make a paste of vinegar and baking soda. Works like a charm."

All we need now is a thrifted Le Creuset to try this hack on!

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