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Savvy thrift shopper finds 'spectacular' surprise inside $3 butter dish: 'The top was taped shut'

"Sweet! Double prizes!"

“Sweet! Double prizes!”

Photo Credit: u/Fiddyrose01161999 / Reddit

Thrifting is a great way to find the best deals, and one Redditor got extra lucky, managing to snag a beautiful butter dish with an added cash bonus inside.

The find was posted on the thread r/ThriftStoreHauls, where Redditors share how they have been saving hundreds on everything from dollhouses to luxury candles. However, it's not every day that the item pays you directly for purchasing it. 

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The butter dish — a gorgeous blue and white floral pattern — cost just $3, and the Redditor didn't worry about opening it up until they got it home. 

"Found $60 inside!!! The top was taped shut," they explained in the caption. 

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Photo Credit: u/Fiddyrose01161999 / Reddit

While this may seem like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, other thrifters have found similar finds in their newly bought items. One user found $143 in a cigarette case, and comments on the post shared their own similar stories. 

"I found $20 in a purse at a garage sale when I was a kid," said one user. 

Another shared, "I bought a jacket at the local markets for $5 once. Got home and went to put it in the wash so I checked the pockets and found $10 in one of the pockets." 

Beyond finding bonus cash in your items, thrifting is a great way to save money on high-quality clothes, furniture, kitchen supplies, and more. It's also how you can find totally unique items that are either no longer sold or have been altered by creative owners beforehand. 

Shopping secondhand also helps to reduce waste — something that helps the planet immensely. 

On average, American households produce almost 300 million tons of trash per year — coming to around five pounds of trash per person per day. 

Any buying or selling that you can do secondhand will give these items that would otherwise end up in a landfill a second chance. 

Comments on the post were thrilled for the Redditor over the find. 

"Sweet! Double prizes!" wrote one user, and another said, "Cute butter dish and great score!" 

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