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Home cook sparks conversation with bacon grease storage method: 'I save all my bacon fat'

"Fridge or not?"

"Fridge or not?"

Photo Credit: iStock

Bacon grease is often overlooked for its use as a cooking oil or butter substitute. 

A recent post by a Reddit user sparked a conversation on bacon grease, as they asked people, "What do I use it for?" The post started as a question about storage and shelf life, with the Reddit user asking, "Fridge or not?" and "How long is it good for?" 

Among the replies were suggestions to refrigerate or even freeze, and many comments suggested storing the fat in a mason jar. One reply stated, "I save all my bacon fat," and suggested that a small mesh strainer should be used to remove any burned bits or food left in the grease.

Small actions like these not only reduce the amount of waste produced at home but can also save you money by reducing the amount of oil or butter you need to buy — a win-win situation. 

And it's not just bacon grease. There are several small changes you can make at home that make a big difference. These include donating your used Halloween pumpkins to farms to feed animals such as pigs or using consignment and thrift stores to buy and sell clothing. You can even turn your old sneakers into cash through donation programs offered by companies like GotSneakers.

Finding ways to recycle household objects for other purposes is also a great way to protect the environment. Producing less waste means reducing the amount of methane-producing garbage sent to landfills. This not only helps keep the planet cool but also reduces the amount of pollution in the environment, protecting our land and oceans from further harm. 

So, are you ready to give bacon grease a try? Bacon grease can be used for a variety of purposes, from making biscuits and fried rice to combining it with seeds and cornmeal to make suet to put in the bird feeder. 

One user stated: "I like to use it instead of butter when making an omelet or other egg dish. Quite yummy!"

But if you're not quite ready, you could always do what one Reddit user suggested and approach your local restaurant to "ask the manager if you can dump a little in their grease bin out back." Grease and other fats are often collected from restaurants and converted into biofuel, which can be another way to cool our planet down.

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