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Professional thrifter shares the secret to decorating your home with a timeless aesthetic: 'Things do truly become ugly to us'

"I avoid having a home that will be ugly and outdated and need to be redecorated in five years."

Anti-consumption in home

Photo Credit: iStock

Shabby chic, modern farmhouse, millennial pink — what do all of these have in common? One second they're in, and the next, they're a dead trend. But one Redditor (and professional thrifter) has some handy advice on how to keep your home decor forever in style: Shop trends that are already out — way out. 

The Redditor posted the simple advice in the subreddit r/Anticonsumption, which unsurprisingly focuses on anti-consumption, or consuming fewer mass-produced items that will surely end up in landfills. 

"I avoid having a home that will be ugly and outdated and need to be redecorated in five years by decorating vintage," the post begins. 

The Redditor goes on to explain that by buying stuff 20-plus years out of date, they avoid falling into the trap of adhering to trends. 

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"Things do truly become ugly to us when they fall out of fashion. And that's why I decorate in stuff 20+ years old!" the post explains. "It's already been through the out of fashion phase and will never go there again. 😃 It now falls under the umbrella of creative, artsy, unique, eclectic."

The post goes on to explain some of the items OP is talking about, like unique needlepoints and art in large vintage frames. The Redditor also says it's not just a way to save money, but also a way to keep items from the landfill.

"I don't know how people afford it!" they posted. "Imagine all the live laugh love signs that have gone to the landfill this year."

And they're right. Thrifting can save shoppers $1,700 a year on average. And it's a booming business. According to PayPal, the resale market is growing 11 times faster than traditional retail shopping.

Thrifting not only saves you money, it also has huge benefits for the planet. An unfortunate 12 million tons of furniture waste is produced each year in the U.S., and 80% of that goes straight to landfills. Creating new furniture also takes up precious resources, like materials and massive amounts of energy.

Commenters were on board with the advice, pointing out how they've decorated with this same eclectic style. 

"My house is decorated with a lot of antiques I've inherited and hand-me-downs," one person wrote. "Nothing matches. It's very cute and cozy, friends love it."

I've redone my decor a couple times over the years, but always secondhand or homemade," another said. "You can find all kinds of fun things at thrift shops, and they'll be way more unique and personal than just whatever's trendy."

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