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Supplement brand releases 'above and beyond' packaging that could revolutionize the industry — here's why it matters

"We sought to reduce our environmental footprint."

"We sought to reduce our environmental footprint."

Photo Credit: Youtheory

Imagine dumping one garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute. According to the nonprofit Pew Charitable Trusts, that is basically what's happening, as over 12 million tons of plastic waste make their way to the oceans annually. 

Supplement brand Youtheory wants to do its part to change that. In August, AL Circle reported that the California-based company is going "above and beyond" to eliminate plastic waste that releases toxins into our ecosystems and harms marine life

The brand's Ocean-Friendly Omega capsules will be sold in recyclable aluminum containers — a move that Cindy Sherman, Youtheory's vice president of marketing, told AL Circle was an "obvious choice" when considering sustainability. 

"We sought to reduce our environmental footprint by choosing materials that are recyclable and have a lower impact on the planet. Additionally, we needed a packaging solution that would maintain the integrity and freshness of our products," Sherman said. 

The packaging sector plays a significant role in the growing issue of plastic pollution. Pill bottles are a big part of the problem. Healthcare company Cabinet estimates that 194 billion pill bottles are created and mostly discarded every year. 

Some individuals are doing their part to reduce plastic pill bottle waste with creative hacks that repurpose the containers for travel or even as hair curlers. Other organizations accept donations of pill bottles and repurpose them for people in need. 

While these actions move the needle in a positive direction, Youtheory's adoption of aluminum is significant because making recycled aluminum takes a fraction of the energy needed to manufacture plastics — generally made from dirty fuels — or new aluminum. 

As The Aluminum Association points out, this results in less planet-warming pollution and can lower costs for businesses and consumers.  

Moreover, unlike plastics, aluminum can be recycled time and again. Industry data cited by The Aluminum Association reveals that around 75% of all aluminum ever manufactured is still in circulation today. Recycling rates for aluminum are also higher compared to plastics, which take tens to hundreds of years to break down.

Youtheory's aluminum-packaged capsules also have another enticing feature, as Sherman highlighted to AL Circle. The supplements are 100% vegan, providing plant-based Omega 3s derived from algae rather than fish (which can sometimes have an unpleasant aftertaste).    

"We wanted to differentiate ourselves with the Omega nutrient coming from plants instead of fish," Sherman said. "While this allows us to offer a vegan solution, we also wanted to leverage the ocean-friendly nature of not harming the fish."

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