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Tesla shares stunning feature of Semis after one reaches nearly 250,000 miles on the road: 'It is safe, it is reliable'

By providing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional diesel trucks, the world of sustainable transportation is helping to move away from dirty energy sources such as oil, coal, and gas.

By providing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional diesel trucks, the world of sustainable transportation is helping to move away from dirty energy sources such as oil, coal, and gas.

Photo Credit: Tesla

The Tesla Semi has been making waves in the trucking industry, and a recent presentation unveiled some surprisingly impressive features of the electric rig.

As explained by InsideEVs, Dan Priestley, the head of the Semi program, provided eye-opening details while speaking at the IAA Transportation trade show in Hannover, Germany.

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For instance, the roughly 100 Semis that are operational in the United States covered 4.6 million miles over the last two years, resulting in an average of 46,000 miles per truck. One unit accumulated over 248,000 miles in a year-and-a-half on the road, indicating how proper charging practices can yield incredible results.

Priestley said in the presentation that the Semi has an energy efficiency of 1.6 kilowatt-hours per mile, a 20% improvement from the 2 kWh/mile average that Tesla advertised. Thanks to high-speed charging sessions, the Semi is capable of traveling 1,000 miles in a single day, making it a viable alternative to gas-guzzling trucks.

"The other common refrain that we get from our customers is about charging and that charge times are too long. We have successfully demonstrated, and deployed, megawatt-level charging in the field. It is safe, it is reliable, and it enables a one-for-one replacement of diesel trucks," Priestley said in his presentation.

Electric trucks such as the Semi could significantly reduce transportation costs and the emission of carbon pollution, which is one of the key causes of rising global temperatures. By providing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional diesel trucks, the world of sustainable transportation is helping to move away from dirty energy sources such as oil, coal, and gas. Future models may even be outfitted with sleeper cabs, according to the report. 

Priestley added that the Semi is now ready for the European market after being adapted for regulation and declared street legal in the continent. He didn't reveal when the electric rig will be available for purchase in Europe, but he noted that Tesla hopes to reach an annual production goal of 50,000 units in 2026.

"Long Term... Tesla is the only logical, financial solution," one commenter wrote.

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