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Wine and spirits giant Pernod Ricard makes major commitments — here's how your drinks can help the world

"Our net-zero science-based targets give us the right ambition and drive to further the progress we have made so far."

"Our net-zero science-based targets give us the right ambition and drive to further the progress we have made so far."

Photo Credit: Pernod Ricard

Ready to raise a glass to the planet? Iconic wine and spirits company Pernod Ricard just announced exciting new climate commitments that will dramatically shrink its environmental impact by 2030 and beyond.

By working with the Science Based Targets initiative, Pernod Ricard has set ambitious goals to slash its pollution in half by 2030, according to ESG Today. And the company is not stopping there — the beverage giant is aiming to cut direct pollution by a whopping 90% by 2050.

So, how will it accomplish this impressive feat? For starters, Pernod Ricard is saying au revoir to dirty gases. The company plans to power its distilleries worldwide with renewable energy instead. It's also making its bottles and packaging way more planet-friendly through increased recycling and greener materials.

When it comes to transport, this forward-thinking brand is trading gas-guzzling trucks for EVs and alternative fuels. Plus, it's making deliveries as efficient as possible by maximizing loads and exploring lower-carbon shipping methods.

Perhaps most exciting, nearly half of Pernod Ricard's carbon impact comes from agriculture — think grapes, grains, and other ingredients. To shrink pollution from on the farm, the company is rolling out regenerative growing practices that revitalize soil and suck excess carbon out of the atmosphere.

Best of all, these earth-friendly upgrades won't just benefit the environment. Regenerative farming can yield healthier ingredients and better-tasting beverages, too. Now that's something worth toasting.

And Pernod Ricard isn't the only company making eco-friendly changes. Consumers who care about reducing waste can vote with their dollar, so to speak, and support eco-friendly brands and product changes like this one.

Maria Pia De Caro, Pernod Ricard's sustainability lead, summed it up perfectly: "Our net-zero science-based targets give us the right ambition and drive to further the progress we have made so far and play our part as a wine and spirits leader in addressing the challenge of climate change."

So, next time you savor a sip of Absolut, Jameson, Malibu, or one of Pernod Ricard's other iconic brands, you can feel good knowing your drink of choice is on a path to better the planet. It turns out that happy hour and a healthier planet can go hand in hand.

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