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Panasonic rolls out major product redesign that could set new standard for batteries — here's why it matters

"A step in the right direction."

"A step in the right direction."

Photo Credit: Panasonic

Panasonic's new paper packaging for batteries will reduce its plastic usage by 75%. 

As Packaging World reported, Panasonic's paper battery packaging is available in Australia. It is predicted to eliminate over 1,102 pounds of plastic annually and cut air pollution by nearly 3,200 pounds of carbon dioxide across Australia and New Zealand. 

Consumers can buy two- and four-packs of the batteries in their paper packaging, which uses over 70% recycled paper and reduces total paper use by more than 30%. 

This corporate move benefits consumers and the environment by reducing people's exposure to microplastics and cutting down on wasted resources produced with unsustainable methods. 

Global demand for eco-friendly packaging is increasing. A Panasonic survey revealed that 90% of participants believed too much packaging and plastic was being used in its products. 

This packaging innovation contributes to the larger sustainability goal of preventing planet-overheating gas pollution. By curbing dirty energy production, companies can protect the communities they serve from climate-driven extreme weather events. 

Dirty fuels are used to make plastics, which break down into microplastics when disposed of, affecting human health. Microplastics have been linked to increased risks of so many concerning medical conditions, including cancer, heart disease, obesity, and miscarriages.

By switching up its packaging, Panasonic is making it easier for people to use less plastic, which allows them to live healthier lives while having less of an impact on the planet. After launching this initiative, perhaps Panasonic can scale up the sustainability change to make paper packaging available for customers worldwide. 

Supporting the eco-friendly initiatives of brands you rely on is an excellent way to encourage companies to offer more sustainable products. 

🗣️ Which of these factors would most effectively motivate you to buy a refillable product?

🔘 Saving money 💰

🔘 Reducing plastic waste 🗑️

🔘 Using less shelf space at home 💁‍♀️

🔘 Getting easy refill deliveries 😎

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

"Panasonic remains focused on making our operation more sustainable and listening to our customers about the commitments they are also making in the market," Chris Moore, Panasonic Australia business manager for batteries, said. "The introduction of eco-friendly packaging for our batteries is a step in the right direction and one that is part of a very important journey for our company."

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