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State to advance new legislation aimed at revitalizing solar energy industry: 'These reforms are the spark the market needs'

"It's time for Massachusetts to regain its place as a top ten solar and storage market."

"It's time for Massachusetts to regain its place as a top ten solar and storage market."

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Massachusetts is one step closer to simpler, more accessible solar power after the state House of Representatives passed a bill called H.4876, Solar Power World reports.

H.4876 addresses several problems faced by solar and clean energy storage in the state. It makes it more straightforward to get a permit at the state and local level, creates incentives for solar and energy storage, and addresses some challenges with interconnecting different projects.

The more the law in Massachusetts accommodates clean energy solutions like solar, the more they'll be developed in the state. Solar energy is abundant and inexpensive, so making it more widely available could lower energy prices for the average resident.

Plus, solar is significantly less polluting than dirty energy sources like coal, even when you account for mining operations to get the materials. It's one of the best ways to eliminate air pollution and cool down our overheating planet.

To make solar and other less-polluting energy sources work, we need energy storage. Burning fuel like coal or oil can produce energy on demand, but solar energy is produced only with sunlight, so we need storage to rely on solar at night.

H.4876 gets Massachusetts closer to those goals. The bill passed the House in July. The next step is for it to go to the conference committee so that the House and Senate can create a compromise between their versions of the bill.

Valessa Souter-Kline, Northeast Regional Director for the Solar Energy Industries Association, released a statement about the bill, per Solar Power World.

"Massachusetts's solar and storage industry has been surpassed by its regional neighbors in recent years, but these reforms are the spark the market needs to reach the Commonwealth's bold clean energy vision," she said. "It's time for Massachusetts to regain its place as a top ten solar and storage market. The Solar Energy Industries Association looks forward to working with the House and Senate to finalize the bill language and quickly get it to Governor Healey for her signature."

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