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Chocolatier Lindt announces new recipe for its renowned truffle balls: 'They are so good'

"It's just as flavorful as your milk products!"

"It's just as flavorful as your milk products!"

Photo Credit: iStock

As research on plant-based diets continues to show tremendous benefits for both the body and the planet, more food brands are creating alternative recipes and helping us eat fewer animal products. 

For instance, the Swiss chocolate company Lindt recently released plant-based truffle balls that are vegan and dairy-free. Lindt Lindor truffle balls are an indulgent treat famous for their colorful, individually wrapped packaging and rich, smooth filling. Now, more people can enjoy these festive chocolates without straying from their dietary needs and environmental commitments. 

"We wanted to create dairy-free truffles for all chocolate lovers, including those who avoid dairy products, are lactose intolerant, or simply follow a more plant-based diet," said Lindt Master Chocolatier Ann Czaja, per Vegconomist.

Lindt offers products for different dietary needs, including kosher, gluten-free, and non-dairy. It continues to expand its vegan and chocolate-alternative products without sacrificing the iconic taste of the original recipes. 

Supporting your favorite brands' eco-friendly initiatives like this is a great way to show companies that you care about where your foods come from and how they're made. Alternative options also make it easier to live a plant-based lifestyle and reap the health benefits of cutting out meat and dairy while reducing the environmental impact of raising and slaughtering livestock.

Switching to a plant-based diet is linked to better cardiovascular health, lower diabetes risk, reduced inflammation, and improved liver function. Reducing your intake of meat products can also help reduce agricultural pollution and stop deforestation for animal farming.

When Lindt announced the new plant-based truffles on social media, followers were ecstatic about trying them and raving about their taste. 

"This is great for folks with dairy allergies!" one Facebook user commented

"It's just as flavorful as your milk products! Bravo!" a commenter wrote

"They are so good!" agreed another Facebooker. "Everyone I know who tries them cannot believe they are dairy-free."

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