Unseasonable weather conditions in Japan are causing the price of vegetables and rice to soar. While that may spell trouble at the dinner table, these food security challenges also indicate a bigger environmental problem.
What's happening?
Trouble started in the summer with a record-breaking heat wave in the country, making growing conditions for crops particularly harsh. Now, heavy snowfalls around Japan are adding to the problem, further reducing crop yields.
According to The Asahi Shimbun, cabbage prices in the country have tripled, while Chinese cabbage prices have doubled.
Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries reports consumer prices of eight main types of vegetables have increased between 117% and 336% over the past five years.
Cabbage costs 336% more than its normal prices, while lettuce and Chinese cabbage cost 238% and 195% more, respectively.
Reuters reported rice prices have also surged up to 60% from just one year ago.
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"Farmers are unable to secure all the profits from the price increases," Japan's farm minister Taku Eto said at a news conference on Jan. 10, per The Asahi Shimbun. "I would appreciate it if you could understand that farmers are struggling to make shipments."
Why are rising produce prices important?
Cabbage and rice, staples of the Japanese diet, are known for their affordability and accessibility. But with the current crop crisis impacting core vegetables, low-income citizens are struggling with food security. Reuters reported the average intake of vegetables among Japanese adults fell to an all-time low in November.
The crop shortage not only impacts grocery store bills and dinner plans but also farmer livelihoods, as Eto indicated in his recent statement.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first and won't be the last instance of food insecurity due to rising global temperatures. Extreme weather driven by planet-warming pollution has a felt impact on agricultural productivity. As Earth.org reports, extreme weather events — including droughts, floods, and heat waves — degrade soil health, impact planting conditions, and diminish crop yields.
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What's being done about rising veggie costs in Japan?
Addressing the global problem of planet-warming pollution is the only true long-term solution to address rising food costs. Japanese officials and citizens, however, are attempting to mitigate the impact of rising produce and rice prices through short-term solutions.
Reuters reports the farm ministry is considering new rules that would allow the Japanese government to sell stockpiled rice to agricultural cooperatives in hopes of driving down retail prices. But cabbage and other vegetable prices remain high due to a lack of supply or stockpile.
Some Japanese citizens have turned to home gardening to supplement the cost of vegetables in the country. Many are regrowing veggies like leeks and scallions from stem scraps to curb costs, according to Reuters. Some have even taken to social media to share their knowledge of urban gardening with others looking for a home-grown solution.
"Home gardening has really helped us slash our spending on food, so I want to share my findings," YouTuber Kazuki Nakata told Reuters.
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