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IKEA announces new changes to its iconic menu items: 'We're proud to expand our food options'

"We know that our hot dogs are beloved by many."

"We know that our hot dogs are beloved by many."

Photo Credit: iStock

IKEA has announced it will be adding plant-based options to its menu across U.S. stores, according to an article by Food & Wine. 

Starting last summer, the company debuted its "Plant Dog," a vegan plant-based hot dog, throughout its European locations. 

The team at IKEA focused on making a plant-based hot dog that had the same texture, flavor, and eating experience as a traditional hot dog. Though the Plant Dog is made from rice protein, onion, apple, salt, and pepper, it still has an underlying smokiness that resembles the flavor of sausage. 

"We know that our hot dogs are beloved by many and we're proud to expand our plant-based foods for customers," said Paul Fite, country food manager at IKEA U.S. "Our ambition is to make healthier and more sustainable eating easy, desirable, and affordable without compromising on taste." 

The American plant-based menu will also include other meat-free alternatives, such as Plant Balls, Veggie Balls, and Strawberry Soft Ice.

Switching to a plant-based diet can have significant long-term health benefits. The data supporting plant-based diets continues to rise, as new studies reveal how eating plant-based can boost your metabolism and heart health.

Plant-based diets have also been found to improve kidney and liver function by reducing inflammation in the body. Even just slightly reducing your total intake of animal-based products can have a positive impact on your health.

Decreasing your consumption of animal-based products is also beneficial for the environment. Animal farming requires the use of more energy, resources, and land than plant-based products. By switching to a plant-based diet, you not only help reduce harmful gas pollution, but also help conserve natural resources. 

IKEA is excited to expand its plant-based menu and launch this eco-friendly initiative in the U.S.

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"IKEA is driven by a vision to create a better everyday life for many people. Through our food business, we can contribute to this by offering more plant-based alternatives with a lower climate impact compared to animal-based options," said Helene von Reis, food manager at IKEA of Sweden, in a statement.

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