The exciting thing about heading down to the thrift store is that you never know what you're going to find. One shopper recently couldn't believe their luck when they scored an authentic Gucci bag in great condition for only $8, and they shared photo evidence of their good fortune with the internet.

"Paid $8. Pretty sure it's real. Kind of losing my mind at my luck," the lucky thrifter wrote, posting in the r/ThriftStoreHauls Subreddit.
Several expert commenters were eager to fill them in on exactly what it was that they had gotten their hands on.
"It's probably real, but it's not something you'd buy at the store. It's something you get as a special promotion for buying their beauty/fragrance. It's really cute," wrote one commenter.
"I work at Nordstrom, it's a gift with purchase promotion for Gucci Bloom," another commenter confirmed.
Although the bag might technically be a free throw-in, the Gucci Bloom perfume that you have to purchase in order to get the bag certainly isn't — a 100ML bottle is currently listed for $138 on the Gucci website. And similar Gucci pouches regularly sell for $20-$40 on eBay.
In any case, many of the commenters agreed that this thrifter had scored an enviable find.
"That floral pattern on the inside is so cute," wrote one commenter.
"The bag is adorable! Doesn't matter if it was a gift with purchase or not. That's a great find!! I'm jealous," wrote another.
And there are more benefits to thrifting than just finding great deals and saving money. Whenever you buy items on the secondary market, you are saving them from being sent off to a landfill. The fashion industry is responsible for 20% of the world's wastewater and 10% of global planet-overheating gas pollution.
That means that reducing the amount of new products we buy, while also ensuring a longer life for existing products, is a win all around.
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