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Milk alternative brand Milkadamia introduces new flat pack that will forge new frontier in food packaging: 'We're redefining industry innovation'

The Flat Pack milk empowers consumers to make eco-friendly decisions without carrying a heavy burden.

The Flat Pack milk empowers consumers to make eco-friendly decisions without carrying a heavy burden.

Photo Credit: milkadamia

Everyone's heard of recycling, but "pre-cycling" is the bold new future of food packaging — and Milkadamia is leading the charge with its 2D-printed Flat Pack Organic Oat Milk.   

Impressively, the Flat Pack's proprietary 2D-printing process reduces packaging waste by 94%, ultimately cutting costs for consumers by 20-30%, according to CEO Jim Richards. 

"Our ethos at Milkadamia, deeply rooted in regenerative farming and sustainability, originates from our humble beginnings as a small, family-owned macadamia farm," Richards said in an August press release. "With the launch of our Flat Pack line, we're redefining industry innovation … aligning with our commitment to responsible eco-stewardship."

In a statement to The Cool Down, Richards also highlighted how the Flat Pack milk empowers consumers to make eco-friendly decisions without carrying a heavy burden. According to one study, more than 155 million tons of plastic packaging are manufactured every year, and that, along with other nonbiodegradable plastic waste, literally suffocates life on our planet. 

"Tossing out used packaging is a disheartening chore we all reluctantly engage in, knowing we are adding to overflowing landfills and possibly choking our oceans. Milkadamia promotes the ideology of PRE-cycling, reducing packaging at the source," Richards told The Cool Down. "Pre-cycling invites industry to take responsibility." 

The Flat Pack also reduces the packaging weight by 85%. This is significant because if a transport vehicle relies on dirty energy, lightening the load helps improve fuel efficiency, cutting the environmental impact of hauling products. Around one-fifth of food-system pollution comes from shipping, according to a study in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.   

Now, for some, the idea of a Flat Pack milk alternative may conjure up childhood memories of sampling less-than-delectable "astronaut" foods like freeze-dried ice cream. However, despite some initial reservations himself, Richards became completely sold on the concept of the 2D-printed oat milk, the first of its kind to launch in the United States. 

"One taste dispelled all doubt," Richards told The Cool Down, explaining that the Flat Pack milk doesn't require drying or dehydrating processes. 

"Tasting the milk will instantly dismiss any preconceived notions," he added. 

Another enticing feature of the Flat Pack oat milk is the ability to customize portion sizes, potentially reducing food waste. No more returning from a long, relaxing weekend away only to frustratingly discover that your milk (or milk alternative) has spoiled, basically resulting in money poured down the drain. 

Richards told The Cool Down that an unopened Milkadamia Flat Pack, which contains eight leaves that are each capable of making 8 ounces of fresh oat milk, has a shelf life of around two years. 

Reducing food waste also contributes to a more balanced planet, which ultimately helps protect crops impacted by the effects of rising global temperatures, including more frequent and intense extreme weather. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, wasted food in the U.S. generates as much planet-warming pollution as more than 42 coal-fired plants.

The Flat Pack oat milk preparation process is simple, according to Richards. All that's needed is one cup of water per sheet, but the consistency can be adjusted as desired. Oat cream, for example, would just use less water. 

Curious consumers who want to participate in a more sustainable future by switching to Flat Pack oat milk but want suggestions for the kitchen will be pleased to hear from Richards that Milkadamia plans to provide plenty of inspiration via its recipe recommendations — similar to the brand's section for its signature macadamia nut milk.  

According to a press release, the company unveiled the 2D-printed Flat Pack Organic Oat Milk at Denver's Newtopia Now at the end of August. The product is available for retail distribution, and the full rollout at major sellers should be underway in January. Richards anticipates that consumers will be able to find the Flat Pack product near other shelf-stable planet-based milks since it doesn't need to be refrigerated. 

In the future, Milkadamia also plans to launch other types of Flat Pack milks, including an almond variety, offering even more budget-friendly options for families who want to revolutionize the way they nurture themselves and the planet. Richards also hopes that other businesses will join the pre-cycling movement, working toward a less polluted future that benefits all.

"Flat Pack is a rewarding daily ritual that challenges the wasteful status quo. Consumers frustrated by excessive packaging will find it a friendlier, more sustainable choice," Richards shared with The Cool Down. 

"We are guilty of being dreamers and imagining that our pre-cycled ideology catches on with lots of other businesses," he added. "How good would that be?"  

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