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Shopper highlights issue with processed meats after sharing photo of recent purchase: 'They're one of the biggest polluters'

Plastic pollution is a major environmental concern, with millions of tons ending up in our oceans each year.

Plastic pollution is a major environmental concern, with millions of tons ending up in our oceans each year.

Photo Credit: iStock

Have you ever noticed how some food packaging seems to use more plastic than necessary?

A social media post has sparked a heated discussion about excessive packaging in the meat industry.

Plastic pollution is a major environmental concern, with millions of tons ending up in our oceans each year.
Photo Credit: Reddit

What's happening?

A Reddit user shared a photo of sliced ham packaging from Norwegian brand Nordfjord, sparking a conversation about excessive plastic use in the food industry.

The image shows ham slices arranged in a way that requires more plastic than necessary despite containing the same amount of product as more efficiently packed options.

"Making it look like a bigger amount is more important than using less plastic," the user said sarcastically.

Other Redditors raced to the comment section to voice their frustration. "It's the meat industry," one wrote. "Can you blame them? They're one of the biggest polluters, of course they don't care about plastic pollution either."

Why is plastic waste concerning?

This packaging choice highlights a broader issue of unnecessary plastic waste in our food system.

Plastic pollution is a major environmental concern, with millions of tons ending up in our oceans each year. This not only harms marine life but also breaks down into microplastics that can enter our food chain.

Moreover, plastic production is closely tied to dirty fuel use, contributing to our planet's overheating. By using more plastic than necessary, companies increase their environmental footprint and contribute to the growing problem of plastic waste.

Is Nordfjord doing anything about this?

We couldn't find specific statements from Nordfjord about this particular packaging, and the company does mention sustainability on its website.

This example suggests there's room for improvement in their packaging practices. It's worth noting that this could be a localized issue or a one-off mistake rather than a company-wide policy.

Nordfjord's website includes a page where customers can reach out with concerns. It's unknown whether other buyers have reached out to share their worries about plastic waste.

What's being done about plastic packaging waste more broadly?

Fortunately, many companies and governments are taking the following steps to reduce plastic waste:

  1. Innovative packaging

    Some food companies are exploring alternative materials like biodegradable plastics or plant-based packaging.

  2. Legislation

    Several countries have introduced laws to limit single-use plastics and encourage more sustainable packaging.

  3. Consumer pressure

    Increasing awareness has led to more demand for eco-friendly packaging options.

  4. Circular economy initiatives

    Some companies are implementing take-back programs or using recycled materials in their packaging.

While systemic changes are crucial, individual actions can also make a difference. Consider making the following choices in your daily life:

  1. Choose products with minimal or sustainable packaging when possible.

  2. Bring reusable containers for deli meats and cheeses.

  3. Support companies that prioritize sustainable packaging.

  4. Reduce your meat consumption. Opting for plant-based proteins even a few times a week can significantly lower your environmental impact.

  5. Advocate for change. Let companies know you care about sustainable packaging through social media or customer feedback channels.

Remember, every small action adds up. By making conscious choices about the products we buy and how they're packaged, we can all contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet — and save money in the process.

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