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Tesla owner reveals impressive battery life after putting 200,000 miles on their Model 3 — here are the takeaways

The driver of this Tesla claims to have not noticed any difference in range over the last 100,000 miles.

The driver of this Tesla claims to have not noticed any difference in range over the last 100,000 miles.

Photo Credit: iStock

Another Tesla driver has proven all the electric vehicle haters wrong, clocking 200,000 miles on one battery. The myth among the anti-EV crowd is that a battery must be replaced after 75,000 miles, but, as InsideEVs writes, "this supposed EV reliability concern is completely untrue."

The driver of a 2018 Tesla Model 3 Performance put 200,000 miles on the original battery pack, almost exclusively charging with Tesla Superchargers, and hasn't seen much loss as far as reliability is concerned.

It's typical for an EV battery to degrade most in its first 75,000 miles. From there, the degradation happens at a much slower pace. The driver of this Tesla claims to have not noticed any difference in range over the last 100,000 miles.

The car's owner says the battery will now accept roughly 66 kilowatt-hours of energy compared to the 75 kilowatt-hours when new. So that's basically going from 310 miles on a fresh charge to 270 miles on a fresh charge.

Batteries are less reliable and need to be replaced more often for EVs built before 2015.

To further debunk the myth that EV batteries need to be replaced after 75,000 miles, there are others that have hundreds of thousands more miles than the one in this story, including a Tesla Model S with 430,000 miles on the original battery — and it's still rolling.

News like this needs to get out. It could convince someone who's in the market for a new vehicle to make their next car an EV. Range continues to be one of the main concerns for consumers, but knowing that their EV will continue to be reliable well into the future could quell those concerns.

Moving to electric and away from vehicles that depend on dirty energy, which causes carbon pollution, resulting in the overheating of the planet which contributes to extreme weather events that threaten the global food supply, is not only good for the planet, but it saves the buyer money in the long run by saving on gas.

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