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This company can help you get around $10,000 for new rooftop solar — here's how

"We are dedicated to providing knowledge and transparency that empower people to make the best choices."

"We are dedicated to providing knowledge and transparency that empower people to make the best choices."

Photo Credit: iStock

Installing solar panels is one of the best ways to shrink or even eliminate your home energy bills. With the right setup, you can generate plenty of free power to meet your home's energy needs and, at the same time, protect the environment by reducing the demand for more polluting energy sources. 

If you're ready to make the change — and especially if you're worried about the cost — you should check out a resource like EnergySage.

EnergySage is a marketplace for fully vetted eco-friendly contractors, including solar installers. One of the best things about it is the company will never ask for your phone number or push misleading ads on users. Instead, it offers a more trustworthy, no-obligation way to demystify the solar installation process for homeowners.

Do you know who all the solar installers in your area are? EnergySage will lay out your options for you. Not sure how to compare the different systems and equipment being offered? EnergySage will help you understand the details so you can compare apples to apples. It will help you find the deals so you can save money on your solar panel installation.

It will also help you navigate the incentives and rebates available from the government for making eco-friendly upgrades to your home. Right now, there's a 30% federal rebate available for solar installation via the "investment tax credit," with no limit. EnergySage can help you ensure that your project will qualify and apply for the credit.

"On average, a typical EnergySage Marketplace shopper saves an extra $9,716 on their solar costs when they claim the ITC," EnergySage says.

"Many other companies are always trying their best to get someone to buy something, at the highest price," president and COO Charlie Hadlow told The Cool Down in an interview. "We are dedicated to providing knowledge and transparency that empower people to make the best choices for themselves, their families, and their homes."

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