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Developers of the world's largest offshore wind farm submit plans for expansion — here's what the future holds

Once complete, it's expected to have a "power generation capacity of 3.6 GW" and, at its peak, power up to 6 million homes.

Once complete, it's expected to have a "power generation capacity of 3.6 GW" and, at its peak, power up to 6 million homes.

Photo Credit: Dogger Bank Wind Farm

The world's largest wind farm is under construction, and plans have been proposed to add more capacity. 

According to Interesting Engineering, the Dogger Bank Wind Farm, about 124 miles off the coast of Yorkshire, England, will have 277 turbines and a power rating of 14.7 MW for its first three phases. Construction started in October 2023 and is expected to continue through 2025. 

Once complete, it's expected to have a "power generation capacity of 3.6 GW" and, at its peak, power up to 6 million homes. 

The project developers, SSE Renewables and Equinor, have already started planning phase D, which would include extending the farm to 130 miles from the coast. 

Since The Crown Estate is the "managing authority for seabeds around England, Wales, and Northern Ireland," the developers have sought permission for construction. If permission is granted, phase D will add a capacity of 2 GW when completed. 

Dogger Bank's Phase D will also require an Environmental Impact Assessment before it can move forward because it is classified as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project due to power capacity. 

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, wind farms can positively impact communities, including creating jobs and lowering electricity prices.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration's website said wind turbines are an emission-free energy source because they do not release polluting gases into the air. They also don't require water for cooling. In addition, they can reduce the need for energy sourced from dirty fuels like coal and gas, resulting in lower air pollution. 

According to the World Health Organization, reducing air pollutants can also cut the risk of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and acute and chronic respiratory diseases.

The Dogger Bank Wind Farm isn't the only one expanding. In Mexico, the Cimarron wind project is adding 64 wind turbines to its capacity. 

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