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US government makes its 'single largest direct investment' in the power grid — here's where the money is going

The added capacity will help keep your energy bills in check as more people plug into the grid.

The added capacity will help keep your energy bills in check as more people plug into the grid.

Photo Credit: Cal Poly Humboldt

Get ready for a brighter, cleaner future. The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced a $2.2 billion investment to expand and strengthen the country's power grid.

This investment is the federal government's "single largest direct investment into critical grid infrastructure" and is set to create thousands of jobs, lower energy costs, and pave the way for more renewable energy, according to Electrek.

The funding is part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law's Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships Program. It will support eight projects across 18 states, and the initiatives aim to protect our power supply against extreme weather, reduce costs for communities, and boost capacity to meet growing energy demands.

So, what does this mean for you and your wallet?

A more resilient grid means fewer outages during storms or heat waves, saving you from costly food spoilage and uncomfortable nights without air conditioning. Plus, the added capacity will help keep your energy bills in check as more people plug into the grid.

But the benefits don't stop there. This investment is also a big win for our planet.

The projects will add a whopping 13 gigawatts of grid capacity. That's equivalent to the power of six and a half Hoover Dams, according to Electrek. This includes 4,800 megawatts of clean, offshore wind power, which will help to reduce our reliance on dirty fuels and cut down on harmful pollution.

One of the most exciting aspects of this initiative is its focus on innovation. Two projects will deploy large new transmission lines using cutting-edge high-voltage direct current technology, increasing grid capacity by about 4,300 megawatts. This means more efficient power delivery and lower costs for consumers.

The investment is also empowering Native American communities. The Tribal Energy Resilience and Sovereignty project will help four tribes in Northern California develop their own microgrids, bringing reliable and resilient power to areas prone to outages.

White House national climate adviser Ali Zaidi summed it up perfectly, saying: "The investments we are making today will enhance the strength and resilience of our grid, especially in the face of more climate-fueled extreme weather events like wildfires, flooding, and extreme heat."

With over 1,000 miles of transmission lines to be upgraded and at least 5,000 new jobs on the horizon, this investment is a powerful step toward a cleaner, more reliable energy future for everyone.

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