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City officials develop plan to harness energy from cemeteries — here's how

Talk about making every square inch count.

Talk about making every square inch count.

Photo Credit: iStock

Get ready for a bright idea that's breathing new life into an unexpected place — cemeteries.

The city of Valencia, Spain, just launched an exciting project to turn its cemeteries into solar energy powerhouses. It's an innovative way to generate clean power while respecting the original purpose of these solemn spaces, according to Interesting Engineering.

The project, cheekily dubbed Requiem in Power (or "RIP" for short), aims to become the largest urban solar farm in Spain. The city is installing a whopping 6,658 solar panels across multiple cemetery locations as part of the Valencia 2030 Climate Mission.

There are 810 panels already in place, and once complete, the project will crank out over 440,000 kilowatts of clean energy every year. That's equivalent to keeping 140 tons of harmful pollution out of our air.

So, what does this mean for the people of Valencia?

Most of the power will be used for municipal buildings, helping to lower energy costs for the city. But here's the cool part — 25% of the solar output is being set aside for vulnerable households. That means cleaner, more affordable energy for families who need it most. Plus, by relying more on renewable power, the city is doing its part to build a safer, healthier future for all.

Valencia isn't the first place to see the light when it comes to cemetery solar, though. A cluster of islands in France started putting solar panels in their cemetery a while back, with plans to generate 1.3 megawatts by 2025 — enough to power 4,000 homes.

It's even collecting rainwater at the cemetery to help prevent local flooding. Talk about making every square inch count.

By harnessing the power of the sun in its cemeteries, Valencia is proving that it's possible to honor the past while building a brighter future. Just imagine what would happen if more cities followed suit, installing solar panels in underutilized areas to generate affordable, clean energy for their communities.

Projects like these demonstrate that saving money and protecting the environment can go hand in hand. When we embrace innovative ideas and work together, we can create a world where clean power is the norm, not the exception. So, let's take a cue from Valencia and start seeing the potential for positive change all around us — even in the most surprising places.

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