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Local government implements protective bear task force in wake of increased human encounters: 'We want … to improve the bears' coexistence with humans'

"The aim is to seek solutions to the conservation challenges we face."

"The aim is to seek solutions to the conservation challenges we face."

Photo Credit: iStock

In the mountains of northern Spain, an unlikely team of heroes is working to protect both endangered brown bears and local communities.

The Bear Patrol, a group of nine dedicated rangers, is on a mission to foster harmony between humans and wildlife in a rapidly changing environment, according to Reuters.

Just three decades ago, Spain's brown bear population teetered on the brink of extinction, with only 60 individuals remaining. Thanks to conservation efforts, that number has now swelled to over 400 — a conservation success story.

But as bear numbers grow, so do encounters with humans in nearby villages. That's where the Bear Patrol steps in, offering a win-win solution for both species.

When locals spot a bear, they can call the patrol's 24-hour hotline. Rangers quickly respond, armed with nonlethal deterrents like rubber-ball shotguns. Their goal? Encourage bears to return to their mountain homes while keeping villagers and their property safe.

This innovative approach benefits both the community and the environment. For villagers like 73-year-old Angeles Orallo, who struggles to keep bears out of her vegetable garden, the patrol offers peace of mind.

"We are older people ... the fact that we can't go out for a quiet walk is sad," she explained.

At the same time, the patrol's work is a boon for local tourism. Bear-watchers flock to the region, providing a sustainable income source for residents.

The Bear Patrol isn't stopping there. It's using cutting-edge technology to better understand and protect these magnificent animals. A new satellite tracking system and innovative bear traps allow rangers to monitor bear movements and relocate repeat visitors to villages.

David Cubero, coordinator of the brown bear capture and radio-tagging plan, sums up their mission to Reuters: "The aim is to seek solutions to the conservation challenges we face with bears, mainly in urban environments.

"What we want is to monitor at all times, in real time ... to be able to act quickly, always to improve the bears' coexistence with humans."

By finding creative solutions that work for both humans and wildlife, the Bear Patrol is proving that conservation doesn't have to come at the expense of local communities. Their work offers a hopeful model for how we can build a future where people and nature thrive together.

Want to support wildlife in your backyard? Consider planting native species that provide food and shelter for local animals. You'll create a beautiful, low-maintenance landscape while helping nature.

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