Shop What are 'shampoo bars,' and what makes them better than traditional shampoo? LATEST BAR SHAMPOO REVIEWS Home Redditor shares clever method for keeping soap bars dry with only two household items: 'I did this two years ago, and it's still going strong' Home Woman shares surprisingly easy method to live a more frugal lifestyle: 'It's all about those small swaps over time' Business Annoyed shopper raises concerns about common medicine packaging: 'Total waste of plastic' Tech Researchers make concerning discovery after analyzing donkey feces: 'A crisis for donkey welfare' Business Passerby discovers absurd amount of premium items in dumpster outside store: 'I'm angry that companies waste so much' Tech Scientists discover plastic-eating marine fungus on debris floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: 'Once the plastic has been carried there, it gets trapped there' Tech Scientists alarmed after discovering microplastics in human semen: 'Individuals without occupational exposures' Tech Scientists alarmed after discovering microplastics in human testes: 'The impact on the younger generation might be more concerning' Business Concerning report highlights health risks associated with 'explosive growth' of industry: 'This can really only be accomplished through improved public policies' Business New investigation uncovers disconnect in Amazon's claims about its recyclable plastic packaging: 'They're absolutely lying' Outdoors Scientists find concerning accumulation of pollution in ocean: 'The ocean floor has become a resting place, or reservoir' Business Shopper sparks conversation online after sharing photo of frustrating drink label: 'Seems to just maintain status quo' JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER Your personal guide to a cleaner, cooler future Business Former lawyer uses power of petition to help change laws and spark waves of bans: 'What if the petition succeeds?' Tech New study uncovers health threat lurking in bottled water: 'Studies were just guessing what's in there' Outdoors Experts stunned by disturbing discovery during necropsy of dead whale: 'People don't even know…' Home Eco-friendly penny-pincher blasts common 'misconception' about money-saving lifestyle changes: 'It keeps people from trying new things' Tech Scientists make an alarming new connection to Parkinson's disease: '[This] might represent a new toxin challenge' Home Shampoo bars can save you serious cash every year — but only if you use them with this one, all-important product Read More