According to this Reddit post title, "we live in a dystopia." It may be due in part to what may be a new trend of designer reusable bags. While it may be hard to fathom such a response to a bag with a picture of juicy strawberries, closer inspection of the photo reveals an eye-popping price tag of $3,290.
If you keep up with haute couture fashion or at least handbags, you may know that the Balenciaga brand carries very popular and expensive bags that retail for four figures. They also recently made waves for selling superdestroyed jeans for $2,450. Apparently, the brand isn't making discounts on reusable shopping ones just yet either.
As the original poster stated, "I went to look for reusable bags for grocery shopping (I am new to this) and found these bad boys?" Anyone who is really a fan of designer items without the budget to match can always try their luck at thrift shops. If you're open to dumpster diving, the sky's the limit on what you may find, as the Dumpster Dive King TikTok account found a $2,000 Bag.
Whether you can pay $3,000 or get the common cheap options available at grocery stores, what matters is that reusable bags save landfills from more plastic deposits. It takes years for plastic to break down, and when it does — in 20 or 500 years or so, it gives off toxic methane — a major culprit in climate change and global warming. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, as many as 3.04 million tons of plastic bags, sacks, and wraps went into landfills in 2018, while only 10% of the total number of bags were recycled.
Most comments show as much annoyance as the poster — along with outright snark and humor.
Noting how cheap a reusable bag can be, one person said: "I like to think people who buy this haven't set a foot in a grocery store in their life because you can buy almost identical and probably more durable bags for $2."
One shopper feels "anyone who spends this kind of money on a product like this is just a stain in humanity's underpants."
Giving more food for thought, another stated: "If you're rich enough to drop 3000+ on a grocery bag, why do you need a grocery bag? Don't you get deliveries done, or send the help to do the shopping?"
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