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Walmart employee sparks anger online after sharing photo of dumpster outside store: 'Talk about a lot of waste'

"All this food… gone."

"All this food... gone."

Photo Credit: Reddit

Walmart's power may have gone out, but the internet lit up after images of Walmart dumpsters packed with unopened food caught a lot of attention online.

What's happening?

An employee posted a picture on Reddit of a Walmart dumpster after a two-day power outage. Without refrigeration, Walmart deemed the food unsafe for sale, leading to a mass disposal.

"All this food... gone."
Photo Credit: Reddit
"All this food... gone."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Power was out for 2 days. All this food... gone," the comment in the original post said. 

The sheer amount of lost food caused people to question the lack of emergency measures and food donation practices. 

"Talk about a lot of waste," one user commented, while others raised concerns about the impact of natural disasters on the environment and daily lives.

Why is food waste important?

Food waste is concerning because it has significant environmental and resource-related impacts. When food is wasted, all the resources used to grow, harvest, transport, and prepare that food are also wasted. This includes water, energy, and land, which are all resources we need to conserve. 

For instance, when food ends up in landfills, it decomposes and produces methane, a harmful chemical that contributes to the overheating of our planet. In fact, the United Nations and various companies worldwide recognize food waste as a pressing issue due to its environmental impact.

Food waste is not just an environmental issue but also a social one. Despite the high levels of food waste, many people — around 1 in 10 Americans — experience food insecurity. This means that while a significant amount of food is being thrown away, many people still do not have enough to eat.

Is Walmart doing anything about this?

Walmart has previously taken steps to reduce food waste, including partnerships with food banks and improving its recycling of food. However, this incident suggests gaps in the company's local response strategies when faced with unexpected disasters and problems like power outages. 

🗣️ What's the most common reason you end up throwing away food?

🔘 Bought more than I could eat 🛒

🔘 Went bad sooner than I expected 👎

🔘 Forgot it was in the fridge 😞

🔘 Didn't want leftovers 🥡

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

While it remains unclear if this was an isolated event or part of a systemic issue, public outcry is pressing Walmart to reevaluate its protocols for managing perishable goods during crises.

What's being done about food waste more broadly?

More companies are exploring ways to minimize food waste, especially during emergencies. Some businesses have implemented better refrigeration backup systems or partnered with local food charities to redistribute soon-to-expire goods.

Consumers can push for change by supporting policies that require better disaster preparedness for retailers. On an individual level, reducing personal food waste and supporting local sustainability initiatives can help alleviate this pressing issue.

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