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Citizen-led group dubbed The Tree Army embarks on critical mission — here's how they're taking action

"If we can't take care of the tree in front of our home, how can we expect to save a place like the Amazon?"

"If we can't take care of the tree in front of our home, how can we expect to save a place like the Amazon?"

Photo Credit: iStock

Compared to defending hundreds or thousands of trees from deforestation, defending one or two trees from thoughtless landscaping in an urban setting might seem somewhat less grandiose.

But when you consider the critical roles trees and other plants play in densely populated cities, as well as the precedent protecting urban green spaces sets for locals and future generations, there is no comparing the immense impact. 

Defending trees is vital in both rural and urban settings. 

As detailed by the Associated Press, Arturo Hernández, founder and commander of Mexico City's El Ejército de Arboles — The Tree Army — knows this and works tirelessly to defend and promote awareness about the untold value of urban trees.

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Hernández, a local community activist, started The Tree Army in May 2024 to protect Mexico City's urban forest after receiving locals' complaints about neighborhood trees being illegally cut down or covered with concrete. Rather than do nothing, The Tree Army confronts these tree vandals and breaks up suffocating concrete to help save local trees.

"I always tell people, if we can't take care of the tree in front of our home, how can we expect to save a place like the Amazon?" Hernández told the AP.

In urban settings, trees play numerous essential roles in ensuring the well-being of locals and others who use and rely on the area's infrastructure.

Establishing trees and other plants — especially native plants — on sidewalks, hellstrips, parking lots, and other urban plots offers a natural solution to erosion and flooding from excess rainwater. The roots of plants help to hold soil in place and absorb rainwater like a sponge, mitigating infrastructure wear and tear. This is especially important in urban areas like Mexico City, which have seen increased rain and severe flooding due to  warming global temperatures.

Plus, people who use areas with trees and plants will enjoy more aesthetically pleasing spaces and be more sheltered from the elements, including the scorching hot sun. Plus, more plants means more oxygen is added to the air, reducing pollution and helping people to breathe easier.

Feeling inspired by the actions of The Tree Army and wanting to play a part in preserving their urban forests, some locals, like Humberto Cruz, have joined the organization's efforts. 

When The Tree Army came to save an ash tree surrounded by concrete in his neighborhood, Cruz said he picked up a sledgehammer and joined the efforts to create a sustainable future for his child.

"I have a son, and I want the best for him. One of the few things I can do is take care of the environment for him. He's the future and he is going to be able to enjoy this," said Cruz.

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