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Mother shares video of terrifyingly close call between children boarding bus and reckless driver: 'A clear and obvious total disregard'

"It really is a world built for cars."

"It really is a world built for cars."

Photo Credit: iStock

Cars are a necessary part of life for many people, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a focus on increasing sidewalks in order to bolster road safety and reduce the number of cars on the road.

A recent Reddit post shows a video of three young kids walking together to cross the road and board their school bus. Yet, while slowing down to check both sides of the road before crossing, a car drives past them at a very high speed, with no regard for the school bus and its mandatory stop sign.

The user who reposted the video, which originated on TikTok, to Reddit mentioned how many commenters on TikTok were blaming the mother who was filming and not walking the kids to the bus. But, as the poster noted, the real problem is drivers having no regard for road safety.

The post also highlights the importance of increasing neighborhood safety and reducing cars (and the harmful pollution they create) by having more sidewalks and crosswalks available. 

A New York City nonprofit has campaigned to reduce the number of cars on the road by increasing sidewalks and pedestrian spaces. The plan to convert 25% of roads to sidewalks and green spaces by 2025 is driven by the fact that fewer cars means less air pollution, and in turn, healthier people and ecosystems.

But many cities, such as Houston, have struggled to limit reliance on cars. A budget to improve public transit, bike lanes, and sidewalks in Houston was previously approved, but has since been stalled under new leadership. If you rely on a car, you can still reduce its negative environmental impact by considering switching to an EV.

Commenters on the Reddit post shared the original poster's frustration around who was to blame for the scare.

"[The] truck driver shows a clear and obvious total disregard for the lives of both the children and the school bus driver by speeding straight through," one commenter wrote.

Another comment pointed out the lack of bike lanes in the video's scene. "I've been ticketed for riding on the sidewalk," the commenter added. "It really is a world built for cars."

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