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Proud homeowner reveals how yard keeps thriving amid 100-degree heat: 'I was so surprised'

"It's like the prairie project exploded in color overnight!"

"It's like the prairie project exploded in color overnight!"

Photo Credit: Reddit

Ordinary lawns may dry out in the heat, but native plants can still thrive, as one homeowner recently proved.

The gardener shared photos of their project in r/meadowscaping, a community dedicated to replacing turf grass with wildflowers and native grasses. "It might be 100 degrees but the prairie is popping!" they said.

"It's like the prairie project exploded in color overnight!"
Photo Credit: Reddit
"It's like the prairie project exploded in color overnight!"
Photo Credit: Reddit

Their photos show a long strip of meadow along the edge of a road. The flowers are growing thickly, and several species are in full bloom. A sign at the end of the garden says "Piedmont Prairie in progress" and directs viewers to learn more at Leaf & Limb.

Leaf & Limb had plenty to say about Piedmont Prairies, its term for meadows. "These meadows host an incredible abundance of life for thousands of species that then go on to feed other species, creating a robust web of life," it said on its website.

"Piedmont Prairies are [one-fifth] the cost to install and maintain compared to a traditional lawn," Leaf & Limb continued. "Once established, you only have to cut Piedmont Prairies one to two times yearly, compared to the 20-30 times a year for a traditional lawn. … Piedmont Prairies require no fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, or chemicals. Once established, they never have to be watered."

That's a huge host of benefits for a budget-friendly yard upgrade.

Leaf & Limb also pointed out that all these changes make the meadow better for the environment, lowering soil, water, and air pollution. They even help water to soak deeper into the ground for less runoff and soil erosion.

The original poster seemed incredibly happy with the look of their meadow, too. 

"I was so surprised to wake up this morning early to do some watering and it's like the prairie project exploded in color overnight!" they said in a comment. "I guess these guys really like the heat because everything else in my yard is looking sad."

🗣️ If you were to switch from a grass lawn to a more natural option, which of these factors would be your primary motivation?

🔘 Making it look better 🌱

🔘 Saving money on water and maintenance 💰

🔘 Helping pollinators 🐝

🔘 No way I ever get rid of my lawn 🚫

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

Commenters agreed. "Looks fantastic; you're doing a great job!" said one user.

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