• Outdoors Outdoors

Hiker frustrated over discovery in secluded canyon trail: 'Don't do this'

"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints."

Sunset over Red Rock Canyon.

Photo Credit: iStock

A hiker encountered rock graffiti in a popular canyon near Las Vegas, Nevada, referencing a popular survival-themed video game. 

The hiker shared a photo of the vandalized rock on r/fnv, a subreddit dedicated to the action role-playing game Fallout: New Vegas.

"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints."
Photo Credit: Reddit

The original poster wrote in the caption: "Seen at Red Rock Canyon on a hike this past weekend."

"Khans" etched into the rock refers to a raider tribe in the Fallout game that descended from Vault 15 dwellers and was found in the wasteland in the year 2161.

Defacing rocks by carving or drawing graffiti is a huge issue because it destroys the natural beauty and historical significance of our parks and natural areas. This immature behavior ruins the landscape and takes up the valuable time of park staff members who must clean and remove it. 

Many rock formations have cultural significance and are protected under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. Senseless rock graffiti detracts from ancient and authentic rock carvings known as petroglyphs that tell the stories of Indigenous people and offer insights into history.  

Outdoor enthusiasts constantly encounter rock and trail destruction with scribbled names on rocks and campsite trash

However, hikers and campers are responsible for leaving no trace and protecting the natural features they observe so they remain intact for future generations to learn from and enjoy. Climate awareness and respecting our planet begins with caring for trails we explore to protect them from abuse and destruction.

Followers of r/fnv appreciated the reference to their beloved video game but criticized the graffiti vandal for ruining the beautiful rocks of Red Rock Canyon. 

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"My joy upon seeing a New Vegas reference is diminished by my hate for vandalizing our natural wonders," one Redditor wrote in the post's comment section. 

"Yeah don't do this," said another. 

Another Reddit user agreed: "I like Fallout references. But I hate defacing National Parks."

"Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints," one commenter offered as an important reminder. 

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