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Key energy industry surpasses experts' growth predictions: 'Could easily continue to surpass expectations throughout the rest of the decade'

More solar energy is good for everyone, including individual homeowners.

More solar energy is good for everyone, including individual homeowners.

Photo Credit: iStock

Across the world, we are on track to install one-third more solar capacity in 2024 than was installed in 2023. 

A report from think tank Ember stated that solar installations this year will surpass all expectations, including those released by Wood Mackenzie and the International Energy Agency, according to Yale University. The bulk of growth is in India and China, though the United States has seen significant growth in the industry because of various tax breaks offered by the government. 

More solar energy is good for everyone, including individual homeowners. If you choose to install solar for your home, the U.S. Department of Energy says that you could save quite a bit on your energy bills. You might also increase the value of your home, particularly if you can find buyers who would choose solar if they had the option. 

🗣️ If you were to install home solar panels, which of these factors would be your primary motivation?

🔘 Energy independence ⚡

🔘 Lower power bills 💰

🔘 Helping the planet 🌎

🔘 No chance I ever go solar 🚫

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

Solar United Neighbors says that the benefits go beyond that, though. More solar energy means more jobs, more reliable and secure energy, improvements to the overall power grid, and even better health. The latter occurs because relying on clean energy means less hazardous waste, which can cause illness, water shortages, and both water and land contamination. 

Even if you aren't in a position to install solar panels on a home, you can help your community move toward cleaner energy. Making a few simple swaps could help you use a lot less energy, even if you do have to rely on sources that aren't as clean as you wish. Or, you might be able to sign up for community solar, even if you can't put up panels of your own. 

Ember's report says that it's reasonable to think we could triple our current solar capacity by 2030. 

"The key will be to ensure that countries have sufficient grid capacity to transport power to where it is needed as well as develop battery storage capacity to complement solar outside of the sunniest hours," the report explained. "If these actions are taken, solar power could easily continue to surpass expectations throughout the rest of the decade."

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