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Garden expert shares how to store sweet corn for year-round consumption: 'It is nice to have fresh corn in the freezer for the winter'

"You are going to have fresh-tasting corn all throughout the winter months."

"You are going to have fresh-tasting corn all throughout the winter months."

Photo Credit: TikTok

As we enter into the colder months, our fresh summer produce staples will also start to disappear from grocery shelves. But do not fret — this hack will ensure you have access to fresh sweet corn all winter.

The scoop

A TikTok video from Kaleb Wyse (@wyseguide) offers users a slightly advanced but simple way to store extra summer produce in your freezer to last you through the winter. This hack will also save you money and reduce your food waste.


Here's how my family freezes sweet corn for use all throughout the year!

♬ original sound - Kaleb Wyse

Kaleb demonstrates the steps. First, husk and clean fresh sweet corn. Next, put the corn into a pot of boiling water for five minutes. Once that time is up, remove the corn and blanch it by immediately placing it into ice water to ensure that the corn cools completely to the core as quickly as possible. 

Finally, once the corn is chilled, cut off the corn from the cob, stick it in an airtight bag, and pop it into your freezer. "You are going to have fresh-tasting corn all throughout the winter months," Kaleb concludes.

How it's working

While you can stick most vegetables into the freezer as is to save for later, adding the extra step of blanching is what will keep them much fresher and tastier for longer. An article from the Food Network covers how the act of blanching vegetables causes the enzymes to stop the process of breaking down. It also helps preserve the vegetables' color and texture.

By storing fresh vegetables in your freezer, you'll also save yourself money by reducing food waste. A Time article estimated that an average family of four "spends at least $1,500 annually on food that ends up being thrown out." By learning how to preserve foods in ways that help them retain their freshness, you can also preserve your funds.

Additionally, finding ways to preserve food rather than throw it out will help reduce the amount of food waste that ends up in landfills. It is estimated that 58% of the methane gas that come from landfills are specifically caused by food waste.

What people are saying

Users are loving Kaleb's freezing hack.

🗣️ What's the most common reason you end up throwing away food?

🔘 Bought more than I could eat 🛒

🔘 Went bad sooner than I expected 👎

🔘 Forgot it was in the fridge 😞

🔘 Didn't want leftovers 🥡

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

"I love this video it is nice to have fresh corn in the freezer for the winter," wrote one user.

"Just went and bought a lot of corn so I can do this," added another user. "Yum!"

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