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Flabbergasted shopper sparks debate with photo of promotional Band-Aid product: 'I think I'd rather bleed'

Companies that are not mindful of creating excess plastic waste are only exacerbating the problem.

Companies that are not mindful of creating excess plastic waste are only exacerbating the problem.

Photo Credit: iStock

A social media post shared frustration over an individually wrapped bandage, which hurts the planet more than it heals.

What's happening?

On a Reddit post in the r/Anticonsumption subreddit, a consumer shared a bandage package they found in a giveaway. The giveaway contained a bandage less than one-third the size of the packaging, which included some paper and plastic wrap.

Companies that are not mindful of creating excess plastic waste are only exacerbating the problem.
Photo Credit: Reddit

The post was tagged under "Plastic Waste," which highlights how the promotional material does more harm than good.

"I think I'd rather bleed at that point," one user commented under the original post.

Why is plastic waste concerning?

Plastic waste is concerning because plastic is extremely harmful to the environment. Unlike other natural resources, plastics do not decompose as easily. Instead, they only break down into tinier pieces of plastic called microplastics.

Microplastics can get into our waters, beaches, and soil. These tiny plastic particles are incredibly harmful to wildlife and humans.

Plastic and the harmful pollution caused by manufacturing it can have long-lasting impacts on our environment and health. Studies have linked plastic to health problems like cancer and infertility.

Companies that are not mindful of creating excess plastic waste are only exacerbating the problem.

Is Band-Aid doing anything about this?

While Band-Aid has not spoken out about this particular packaging, the company has shared its sustainability promise addressing plastic waste. 

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Band-Aid claims to be making most of its product packaging recyclable, including cartons that are made with at least 30% post-consumer cardboard. Post-consumer cardboard means that it has already been used once and recycled to be used again.

The company is also educating on how to recycle its packaging through How2Recycle® labels. Additionally, Band-Aid is working toward making all packaging materials, such as sterile wrappers and plastic bottles, fully recyclable while incorporating more recycled materials into its products.

What's being done about plastic waste more broadly?

To help combat the plastic waste problem, individuals can also take steps to reduce their plastic use. In particular, consumers should reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. 

Single-use plastics are those that are meant to be used once and then trashed. For example, food products that come in plastic packaging, fast fashion, or plastic bags and wrap.

Finding alternatives to those items, such as investing in reusable water bottles and looking for used goods instead of buying new ones that come in wasteful plastic packaging, can also help reduce your plastic use.

Additionally, supporting brands that use plastic-free packaging and exploring plastic-free alternatives for everyday products can make a significant impact. For instance, try to find bulk products like fresh produce that use minimal plastic packaging and package leftovers in glassware instead of plastic containers. 

By taking these small steps and replacing plastic in your daily life as much as possible, you can reduce the harm that plastic does.

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