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Property owner met with critiques after seeking reassurance on landscaping decision: 'Your tree will 100% die'

"Way too much."

"Way too much."

Photo Credit: Reddit

Mulch offers many benefits for your plants and the surrounding environment, but only if adequately laid. 

In a recent Reddit post, one homeowner posted a photo of a tree in a mulch box and asked r/arborists for advice. 

"Way too much."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Is this amount of mulch okay?" the original poster asked

It's a good thing the homeowner posed this question because, in fact, the amount of mulch is not OK, and the tree's health will suffer if left in this condition. 

There's definitely a right way and a wrong way to put mulch around a tree

For example, you want to avoid a volcano shape with your mulch — piling too much against the tree trunk. This leads to moisture buildup, disease, pests, and decay. Using too much mulch is a waste of money, and mulch volcanoes can actually kill trees and negatively impact the greater ecosystem.

Instead, add mulch in a doughnut shape with three inches of space around the trunk. 

Thinner is better than thicker mulch because it allows the tree to breathe and avoids fungal growth. It's also a good idea to extend the mulch as far as the tree branches' drip line.

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When appropriately placed, mulch is essential to a natural lawn because it insulates and protects plants from extreme weather caused by unpredictable weather shifts. It can also save you from having to water your plants as much, curbing water waste and helping your soil retain moisture even during droughts. 

Reddit users commented on the original poster's photo, advising how to save the tree. 

"Your tree will 100% die early if you leave it like that," one wrote.

"Way too much," another said. "You need to expose the root flare."

Someone else suggested: "Get rid of the box. Spread mulch wide under the canopy but not against the trunk."

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