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Tesla owners are sharing unbelievable stories about their high-mileage vehicles: 'This car is a workhorse'

"Pretty much got this car for free with all the free supercharging and low maintenance!"

"Pretty much got this car for free with all the free supercharging and low maintenance!"

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Tesla's electric vehicles have been on the road since 2008, and customers are sharing stories about how their older models are performing.

On Facebook, Tesla owner Franz Liebmann detailed just how many miles their Tesla Model S has accumulated since they bought their vehicle in 2015.

"In total, I've traveled an incredible 450,000 miles and visited 27 countries across Europe and Africa!" they said.

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Liebmann shared the achievement on the Tesla High Mileage Club page, joining a number of other Tesla fans who have clocked up remarkable mileage. 

In addition to the massive distance traveled — which they said is equivalent to circling the Earth 18 times and is nearly a round trip to the moon — Liebmann added that 6,000 people have experienced their Tesla S' capabilities, and the excitement they have shown has further convinced them that the future lies in clean energy.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, typical passenger vehicles powered by dirty fuel in the United States emit an estimated 5 tons of carbon dioxide per year. That heat-trapping gas is responsible for increasing global temperatures, which is exacerbating extreme weather conditions and putting human lives at risk. 

Electric vehicles, by comparison, produce no planet-warming pollution when out on the road. 

Even taking into account the likelihood that the electricity used to run EVs is sourced from dirty fuel and that mining activity to access metals needed in battery technology can cause environmental damage, a car that runs on electricity is still far better for the planet than similar gas-guzzling machines. 

Other members of the Tesla High Mileage Club shared similar experiences with their own cars.

"Over 450K miles and counting!" one user said of their Tesla. "Original battery MS70. This car is a workhorse! Pretty much got this car for free with all the free supercharging and low maintenance!"

Indeed, that's another benefit of electric cars. The cost of recharging a battery is significantly lower than refilling a gas tank, and because an EV has fewer moving parts, it doesn't require as much maintenance as typical internal combustion engine cars. 

Stories like these prove that electric vehicles aren't just a flash in the pan. They have real, tangible benefits that are seen year after year. As more of these tales emerge, it's likely more motorists will be convinced to make their next car an EV

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