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Hiker calls out inconsiderate tourists after making 'disgusting' discovery on trail: 'What is wrong with people?'

"Some people have zero respect."

"Some people have zero respect."

Photo Credit: TikTok

This video begins with a needed warning.

"I'm going to show you something absolutely disgusting," TikToker The Yes Life (@the.yes.life) says. "So if you don't like disgusting things, scroll past."

@the.yes.life Absolutely fuming! Dirty little F******** LEAVE NO TRACE PEOPLE! #hiking #tourists #mess #litter #leavenotrace #angry #rant #rage #swearing #disgusting #pooh #eryri #snowdonia #northwales #dinorwig #llanberis #leavenotrace ♬ original sound - The Yes Life

She pans the camera around to show a gorgeous Welsh countryside, full of rolling hills and clusters of purple grasses. "Absolutely beautiful," she says

Well, that is…apart from a pile of poop and a toilet roll left behind. 

"What is wrong with people? Honestly," she vents, showing the offensive waste. "Litter's bad enough, right? But human s*** with toilet roll?"

She continues, saying: "I'm just going to make a potentially controversial statement that it won't be someone local, because local people don't s*** on their own doorstep — literally. … I appreciate if you've gotta go, you've gotta go. But bring a poo bag, put it in the poo bag, put your toilet roll in the poo bag, and take it to a bin like you would with a dog. Simple.

"This is literally the most beautiful place. So if you want to come and visit it, that's fine, but don't spoil it with your s***."

Commenters were similarly dismayed at the thoughtless behavior.

"Some people have zero respect," one wrote.

"So disgusting," another said. 

And while human feces is arguably the most disgusting form of litter to encounter in nature, it's far from being the most damaging to the environment. Hikers like this one have found all sorts of debris, from old bottles and cans to popped balloons and confetti

"People should respect nature," another commenter lamented. "That boils my blood. I'm always picking litter up … and reporting dog [poo]."

Not only is litter unsightly, but it's also a health hazard. Garbage is a known breeding site for bacteria and disease; it also harbors disease-carrying insects such as mosquitoes. 

Further, the toxins found in plastic and rubber leach out into the surrounding soil and water, gradually decreasing the health of all the flora and fauna that grow and live there — and trickling back up the food chain to the humans who littered it.

Instead, whether it's a snack wrapper or toilet paper, practice the principles of Leave No Trace to keep nature healthy and pristine.

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