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Major university makes historic agreement that would affect 100% of campus operations — here's what it entails

This move should help reduce energy costs for the university, so it's fair to speculate it could keep any potential tuition increases in check.

This move should help reduce energy costs for the university, so it's fair to speculate it could keep any potential tuition increases in check.

Photo Credit: Bentley University

Get ready to be inspired by a historic move in higher education.

Bentley University in Massachusetts just inked a deal that's set to power its entire campus with 100% clean energy through 2027, according to Renewable Energy Magazine. This deal is a breath of fresh air for students and the planet alike — literally.

Bentley has partnered with the Kibby Wind Farm in Maine to purchase all of the electricity needed to run their campus operations. This ambitious agreement aligns perfectly with the university's goal of significantly reducing carbon pollution by 2030.

By sourcing nearby renewable energy, Bentley is not only moving toward its sustainability goals but also creating incredible learning opportunities for its students. Imagine taking a field trip to a wind farm as part of your college coursework.

Plus, this move should help reduce energy costs for the university, so it's fair to speculate it could keep any potential tuition increases in check.

But the benefits don't stop at the campus gates. By supporting renewable energy production in the Northeast, Bentley is helping to reduce regional reliance on dirty gases. That means cleaner air and a healthier environment for everyone in the area.

Natalie Hayes, director of Bentley's Office of Sustainability, explains the impact: "When considering the next steps in the university's renewable energy strategy, we determined that sourcing electricity from local, renewable resources was the most impactful choice."

Sophie Rodgers, a key player in securing this agreement, added: "Approximately 50% of Bentley's carbon footprint comes from electricity use, so purchasing electricity generated by the Kibby Wind Farm is a huge step for the university to stay on the path toward carbon neutrality through clean energy sources."

This forward-thinking approach shows that with a little creativity and commitment, we can all find ways to power our lives more sustainably.

Whether you're running a university or just looking to make smarter energy choices at home, Bentley's example proves that clean energy solutions are within reach.

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