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Gardener reveals trick to harvest parsley for it to grow back bigger: 'Don't be shy about picking'

By using this easy technique, you'll be well on your way to having a thriving herb garden.

By using this easy technique, you'll be well on your way to having a thriving herb garden.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Here's a clever gardening hack that'll keep your parsley thriving all season long.

If you've ever struggled with your parsley plants bolting or flowering too early, this simple trick is about to become your new best friend.

The scoop

The key to lush, productive parsley plants is regular harvesting. Gardening influencer Angela Judd (@growing.in.the.garden) took to Instagram to share a genius method for keeping your parsley in tip-top shape.

Angela explains, "Keep your parsley harvested if you don't want it to bolt. Once the plant is established nice and full, top the entire plant. It will regrow. Cutting the inner portion helps keep it from flowering. The more you harvest, the more it will grow. Don't be shy about harvesting."

To use this hack, start by harvesting the outer stems first, cutting them close to the ground. Once your plant is well-established, you can trim the entire plant, including the inner portions. 

This encourages new growth and prevents flowering, which can make the leaves bitter.

How it's helping

This simple trick can revolutionize your home garden. By keeping your parsley plants productive, you'll have a constant supply of fresh herbs right at your fingertips. No more running to the store for overpriced, wilted parsley.

Growing your own herbs doesn't just save you money. It provides you with fresher, more flavorful ingredients for your cooking.

Plus, gardening is a great way to boost your mental and physical health. It's a relaxing hobby that gets you outside and moving.

As an added bonus, growing your own herbs reduces the need for store-bought produce, which often comes wrapped in plastic and has traveled long distances. This means less pollution and less waste — a win for both your wallet and the planet.

What people are saying

Gardeners loved this simple yet effective hack. Comments on Angela's post were filled with enthusiasm and gratitude, with one saying, "Thank you," while another stated, "Great hack!"

By using this easy technique, you'll be well on your way to having a thriving herb garden that provides fresh, flavorful parsley all season.

So, grab those gardening shears and get harvesting. Your taste buds (and the planet) will thank you.

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