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Energy expert shares underreported law that can help you save hundreds on your energy bills: 'It's really important'

These incentives encourage homeowners to boost insulation, switch to energy-efficient appliances, and embrace clean energy solutions.

These incentives encourage homeowners to boost insulation, switch to energy-efficient appliances, and embrace clean energy solutions.

Photo Credit: iStock

Feeling the heat from high energy bills this summer? Discover how an underreported law can help you cool down and save hundreds while benefiting the environment.

The Texas Tribune reports that a little-known part of the Inflation Reduction Act offers big federal tax incentives to help lower your energy bills. These incentives encourage homeowners to boost insulation, switch to energy-efficient appliances, and embrace clean energy solutions.

Amanda Sachs, policy associate with the nonprofit Rewiring America, emphasizes the dual benefits of these upgrades: "It's really important to make sure that folks can pay their energy bills. It's important to make sure that we're on track to meet our climate goals as a country, and we can't do that without switching homes to electrification and more efficient systems."

Federal rebates, some available as early as 2025 for Texans, will further ease the financial burden of these upgrades. Additionally, Rewiring America offers free tools to help navigate these tax incentives and find qualified contractors, making the process of upgrading your home simpler and more affordable.

Electrifying your home, vehicle, and appliances is one of the best ways to save money and help the environment. Upgrading to a heat pump, for instance, can both heat and cool your home more efficiently than traditional systems. Heat pumps run on electricity and reduce pollution, making them a win-win for both your wallet and the planet.

Other cost-saving measures include improving your home's insulation, sealing leaks, and installing energy-efficient windows. These improvements can make your home more comfortable and reduce your reliance on larger heating and cooling systems.

For those looking to go a step further, consider investing in rooftop solar panels or an electric vehicle. Solar panels generate clean electricity and can lower your utility bills, while electric vehicles reduce fuel and maintenance costs.

With the Inflation Reduction Act and the resources available through organizations like Rewiring America, there's never been a better time to upgrade your home and take advantage of these financial incentives.

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