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House Republicans clash with Biden White House over appliance efficiency standards: 'Unnecessary hurdles'

The White House said in a statement that the bills "would add uncertainty to the implementation of these standards."

The White House said in a statement that the bills "would add uncertainty to the implementation of these standards."

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Early in July, House Republicans passed two bills to nullify Energy Department efficiency standards for dishwashers and refrigerators. The Biden administration had previously set the standards to save consumers money and help combat our ongoing environmental crises. 

What's happening?

Many House Republicans felt the previous efficiency standards were impractical and caused appliances to be too expensive. Democrats defended the regulations, citing that they save Americans money on their bills, according to the Associated Press. 

The bill affecting refrigerator efficiency, the Refrigerator Freedom Act, was by Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa. The other measure, the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards bill, was by Republican Rep. Nick Langworthy, who said per the AP that it would stop the Biden administration from implementing new efficiency regulations if they're not "cost-effective or technologically feasible."

The White House opposes both bills, which are now set to head to the Democrat-controlled Senate, where they will likely not advance. The White House said in a statement cited by the Associated Press that the ambiguous language in the bills "would add uncertainty to the implementation of these (efficiency) standards and create unnecessary hurdles for DOE in making future updates." 

Why is energy efficiency important?

New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone, a Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, disagreed with the Republicans, saying per the AP that the energy efficiency standards "save Americans money on their energy bills, boost innovation by modernizing appliances for the future, and reduce greenhouse gas pollution in our ongoing efforts to combat the climate crisis.''

Appliances that are more energy efficient can cut down on bills for consumers in the long term. They lower energy consumption, and while they sometimes cost more upfront, they have modern technology that's built to last longer. 

Because of this, consumers can also cut down on replacement and maintenance expenses for these updated appliances in the long run. Reducing energy consumption is also a meaningful way we can lessen our pollution footprint and combat the climate crisis. 

What's being done about energy efficiency?

There are helpful policies consumers can look into to curb the upfront costs of energy-efficient upgrades that benefit the environment. 

The Inflation Reduction Act, which went into effect in 2022, offers homeowners tax credits and rebates in exchange for making eco-friendly home updates. Some electric vehicles also come with potential tax credits, and solar panel installation also affords homeowners tax benefits. 

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