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Shopper finds vintage furniture with hidden value at thrift store: 'I'm surprised Goodwill didn't try to jack the price up'

"My jealousy knows no bounds!"

"My jealousy knows no bounds!"

Photo Credit: iStock

A savvy thrifter scored big at their local Goodwill after discovering a piece of vintage furniture for only a fraction of the original price. 

The turquoise chair was a 1965 Baumritter in excellent condition. Mid-century Baumritter pieces can start at $1,500 and range up to $2,500 depending on the style and condition.

"My jealousy knows no bounds!"
Photo Credit: Reddit

Redditors were shocked by the chair's beautiful condition and insanely low price.

"OMG! I've never seen one in the wild, and I've never seen one for under $200 (and those were in rough shape)," one user wrote.

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"I'm surprised Goodwill didn't try to jack the price up," another Redditor commented. "I'm very happy it went to a good home."

Thrift shopping is an exciting way to uncover rare, valuable items at great discounts. Instead of purchasing new products, consider buying everyday necessities secondhand to save money. By replacing just half of your yearly purchases with secondhand finds, you can save up to $75.

Thrifting also helps keep items out of landfills while reducing the need for mass-produced products. According to data from the Environmental Protection Agency, cited by Recycle Track Systems, Americans generated 12.2 million tons of furniture waste in 2017 alone, and 80.2% of that waste ended up rotting in a landfill. 

Depending on the type of furniture piece, it can take anywhere from a few years to a couple of thousand years to decompose. While wooden furniture typically takes about 13 years to fully decompose, plastic furniture takes thousands of years, contributing to the release of harmful plant-warming gases in the process.

Like fast fashion, fast furniture from stores that advertise cheap prices is not manufactured to last long. Consumers buy these items only to throw them out after short periods of time. So, purchasing quality secondhand pieces saves you time and money. 

"How cool! Love the aesthetics with the blue! MCM has such gorgeous lines!" one user wrote.

"My jealousy knows no bounds!" another Redditor joked. "Seriously great score!"

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