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Shoppers stunned to find valuable items in bag from thrift store: 'She was just astounded'

The story was yet another testament to how thrifting can be a sustainable choice that can lead to some unexpected and delightful surprises.

The story was yet another testament to how thrifting can be a sustainable choice that can lead to some unexpected and delightful surprises.

Photo Credit: iStock

Thrift shopping can be an exciting adventure because you never quite know what you'll find tucked away in a seemingly ordinary item.

In the case of one Redditor, a trip to Goodwill during a vacation in St. Augustine, Florida, turned into a memorable experience of unexpectedly discovering treasure and paying it forward.

The user explained in the r/StAugustine subreddit that their wife was in need of a new purse, and their tight vacation budget led them to the thrift store. Not only did she find a purse she liked, but she opened it and found a wad of cash in one of the zippered pockets. The user posted photos of their discovery, but that was just the start of their adventure.

The story was yet another testament to how thrifting can be a sustainable choice that can lead to some unexpected and delightful surprises.
Photo Credit: Reddit

"We go out to the car and count it; it comes out to $139 plus one of the dollar bills is a Star Note to boot (double score). However, we also find a lone driver's license that expired 6 months ago for an 85-year-old woman who lives in St. Augustine," the user revealed. "I had my wife check the obituaries first and we find she's still alive as sometimes family members just donate items after their family members pass."

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After thinking it over, the couple decided to return the money to the woman while replacing the Star Note, which is a replacement banknote. They set off to find the woman and were successful in their journey.

"So we find this lady and she was just astounded to see we had her ID and money," the user stated. "She gave my wife a big hug and was saying how much she needed the money and that she had been beating herself up over losing it and her ID. She tried to give us a twenty but we turned it down. She just couldn't believe that people like us still existed and was ever so grateful. We wished her well and were on our way."

Commenters were impressed with how well the experience turned out for the thrifting couple.

"That was fantastic of you to return it! In this day and age there's not a lot of 'vacationers,' I think, that would've done this," one commenter stated. "Most don't think about the locals that live here. We aren't vacationing, we are scraping by, and I bet she sorely needed that $. Bless you guys."

The story was yet another testament to how thrifting can be a sustainable choice that can lead to some unexpected and delightful surprises. In addition to saving money on everyday necessities, you can also help the environment by purchasing items that would otherwise end up in landfills.

Thrifters have uncovered rare items like gold coins, Bob Dylan records, vintage cameras, and designer bags without breaking the bank. One thrifter determined they were saving 56% to 94% by relying on secondhand shopping. The industry is continuously growing too, with ThredUP predicting the secondhand market will reach $350 billion by 2028. 

If you're looking to follow suit, this guide will be helpful as you explore the many benefits of thrifting.

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