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Shopper shocked after reading label inside vintage clothing bought from local thrift store: 'Keep keep keep!'

"I impulse bought it."

"I impulse bought it."

Photo Credit: Reddit

Many of us have dreamed of someday owning a piece of designer clothing. While it might seem unattainable, for one lucky thrifter, luxury fashion simply happened upon them — and they didn't even realize it at first. 

They shared photos of their unlikely acquisition to the subreddit r/ThriftStoreHauls. It's a beautiful two-piece set: a checkered blazer and skirt, and the inside label reads "Christian Dior - New York Inc." 

"I impulse bought it."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"I bought this months ago and was about to [re-donate] it because I impulse bought it," they captioned the post. "But then I looked inside and saw the label."

Whether it's a funky vintage lamp for the cost of two dozen eggs, a "white whale" in the form of a pink KitchenAid, or haute couture hidden amongst the stacks, the thrift world is full of serendipitous finds like these. 

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That's one of the reasons why the activity is so popular. According to BusinessDIT, about 16-18% of Americans shop at thrift stores. 

Additionally, thrifting allows consumers to shop without participating in some of the harmful environmental impacts that come with overproduction. Every year, 100 billion garments are made. Of that, over 100 million tons end up in landfills, according to Earth.org

Earth.org also notes that most items of clothing are thrown out after being worn only seven to 10 times. So not only are thrifters saving moneyaround $1,700 per year — but they are also extending the life of a garment and delaying its trip to the landfill.  

The post's comment section was full of people ooh-ing and ahh-ing and encouraging the OP to keep the clothing. 

"Keep keep keep!" said one person. "It's cute! Very versatile set!"

"I have to say that while I like it I am unfortunately in need of money and I'm going to move soon so I need to downsize my closet at some point," the Redditor replied. "I have been selling a lot that I never thought I'd get rid [of]."

"Ahh fair enough!" the original commenter responded. "Then I'm glad you found this label and can sell it for more!"

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