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Lucky shopper makes 'incredible' discovery inside $4 tote bag purchased at yard sale: 'This has to be the steal of a lifetime'

"The house and the area it was in was nothing special, either. Goes to show you never really know!"

The house and the area it was in was nothing special, either. Goes to show you never really know!

Photo Credit: iStock

You never know what treasures you might find at a yard sale. One lucky shopper discovered that their $4 garage sale purchase may be worth as much as $500.

One Redditor shared a photo of the vintage Gucci bag scored from a yard sale on r/ThriftStoreHauls, a subreddit dedicated to sharing shoppers' secondhand buys. 

"My boyfriend told me to check out a yard sale that he saw on his lunch break," the poster wrote. "I found this vintage Gucci at the bottom of a tote with the original purchase receipt from the 80's in the pocket. I spent $4 on this bag!"

Vintage Gucci
Photo Credit: u/Big_Philosopher9993 / Reddit
Vintage Gucci
Photo Credit: u/Big_Philosopher9993 / Reddit

The bag was a white leather Gucci purse. "[The purse] needs a really good cleaning and some love but you can't beat this for $4," the original poster wrote. 

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Looking for an easy way to clean out your closet and get paid for the trouble? Trashie has you covered.

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Trashie | Take Back Bag

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A close look at the receipt reveals that it was bought in 1989 for $220.48 — in today's money, that's about $545.

Buying secondhand is a great way to find unique pieces without breaking the bank. Most thrifted finds are significantly cheaper than buying new, and they give old clothes and other items a second life.

Shopping secondhand also keeps items out of landfills. Every year, Americans send nearly 140 million tons of waste to the landfill, according to Dumpsters.com. When you buy secondhand, you prevent items from going to the landfill, where they can pollute the soil, water, and air.

Commenters were amazed by the find. "This has to be the steal of a lifetime!" one wrote.

"This is incredible. It should clean up nicely!" said another.

Others were happy to offer tips for cleaning up the bag. "If the inside is sticky at all, Gucci used PVC for their bag linings in the 80s. A cobbler may be able to re-line it for you!" wrote another.

Even the original poster was surprised at their luck. "This sale looked to be a bust, and it's funny because I never look in the handbag bin ever. The house and the area it was in was nothing special, either. Goes to show you never really know!"

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