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Cyclist shares annoying encounter with oversized limo parked in bike lane: 'They cannot fathom that they simply aren't allowed to park in that area'

When cars disregard traffic rules, they not only put themselves at risk but also other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.

When cars disregard traffic rules, they not only put themselves at risk but also other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A cyclist encountered a dangerous roadblock while trying to ride safely in the bike lane. As the biker made their way down the designated cycling lane, they were frustrated to see not one but two massive vehicles illegally parked in the bike lane. 

The first vehicle was a party bus that was parked in the middle of an intersection with its back end blocking half of the bike lane. However, the second vehicle was a large stretch limo that was blatantly parked directly in the bike lane. 

When cars disregard traffic rules, they not only put themselves at risk but also other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Photo Credit: Reddit

Redditors were outraged by the carelessness of the drivers and the dangerous situation they caused on the road. 

"Some people who drive large vehicles think that because there isn't anywhere for them to park correctly at a location, that it means they get to park anywhere. They cannot fathom that they simply aren't allowed to park in that area," commented one Redditor.

"I get it when they stop in certain spots to briefly load and unload but it should be in the least extrusive spots and not hanging over a crosswalk and two bike traffic lanes," responded the cyclist who shared the post.

When cars disregard traffic rules, they not only put themselves at risk but also other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. In similar instances, cars have purposely driven in the bike lane to avoid traffic or find a parking space, almost hitting cyclists and nearly causing an accident. 

To prevent unnecessary collisions and ensure drivers respect the bike lane, some cities have installed physical barriers along bike lanes. Protected bike lanes establish clear separation, keeping cars within their lanes and providing additional safety for cyclists. 

By ensuring cyclists feel safe on the road, cities can encourage more locals to bike instead of drive. With fewer cars on the road, cities can not only help decrease air pollution but also help reduce road traffic. 

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