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Flintstones-style structure becomes first legally habitable home with 3D-printed walls — take a look inside this unique house

The future of homebuilding is here, and it's looking "boulder" than ever.

The future of homebuilding is here, and it's looking "boulder" than ever.

Photo Credit: YouTube

What do the Flintstones and the future of homebuilding have in common? A lot more than you might think. 

In Eindhoven, Netherlands, a one-of-a-kind boulder-shaped home has become the first legally habitable house in Europe with load-bearing walls built entirely by a 3D printer, according to TinyHouseTown.net.

This groundbreaking home is from Project Milestone, a collaboration between Eindhoven University of Technology, Saint-Gobain Weber Beamix, Witteveen+Bos, and Van Wijnen. By harnessing the power of 3D printing, they've created a bungalow that not only looks like something out of a cartoon but also offers a glimpse into a greener, more sustainable future of construction.

So, how did they do it? The secret lies in a giant robotic arm equipped with a specialized concrete nozzle. This innovative technique allowed the architects' vision to be translated into layers of concrete printed directly on-site, creating complex shapes without the need for traditional formwork. In the future, more sustainable forms of "green concrete" could be used.

The result? Faster construction times and the ability to simultaneously create reinforcement and openings — all while the printer worked around the clock.

The benefits don't stop there. The 3D-printed walls showcase a unique pattern that highlights the layers of concrete and the areas where the nozzle head was swapped out during the printing process. 

Thanks to the high-quality materials used, the developers expect this home to last for over 50 years. This is great news as people seek more resilient homes since the warming of our planet is causing extreme weather conditions to become more frequent.

While there were some construction delays due to the challenging design elements, the result is a testament to the power of innovation. The home's 24 sections were factory-printed in just 120 hours, with the largest section weighing 12 tons and standing 2.5 meters (over 8 feet) tall.

After being transported to the site, the sections were assembled on a foundation, and the finishing touches — like windows, doors, and the roof — were added on-site.

It's not just about the cool factor. This 3D-printed home boasts an impressive energy performance coefficient of 0.25, demonstrating high energy efficiency. By exploring alternative materials and reducing the amount of concrete used, the developers believe they can further minimize the home's carbon footprint. It's a win-win for both the residents and the environment.

Project Milestone has plans for four additional houses, each designed to push the boundaries of 3D printing in construction even further. The final dwelling will be a three-story, three-bedroom family home that aims to be printed on-site.

The future of homebuilding is here, and it's looking "boulder" than ever. With 3D printing leading the charge, we can look forward to more sustainable, efficient, and downright cool homes that blend creativity and functionality.

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