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Home cook shares surprisingly simple trick for ridding containers of pesky sauce stains: 'Way better than bleach'

"You are such a wealth of information, knowledge, and talent with the most positive attitude!"

"You are such a wealth of information, knowledge, and talent with the most positive attitude!"

Photo Credit: YouTube

Stubborn spaghetti sauce and ketchup stains got you seeing red? A home chef shared her simple trick for removing crimson blotches from your dinnerware, no harsh chemicals needed.

The scoop

On YouTube, Pam from Cooking at Pam's Place (@CookingAtPamsPlace) revealed her secret for banishing red stains.

"How to avoid getting spaghetti and barbecue and ketchup and any other red type stains left in your dish? Come with me. I'll show you what to do," Pam says in the video.

"You're going to need some vinegar, dish soap, and baking soda."

The magic happens when you mix those three ingredients directly in the stained bowl to form a paste. Simply rub the concoction all over the blemish, let it sit overnight, and then wash as usual come morning. Voila! Your bowl should emerge from the suds stain-free.

For especially stubborn spots, Pam recommends repeating the process more than once. But in most cases, she claims, one treatment does the trick.

How it's working

This hack can save you serious time and elbow grease. Rather than scrubbing relentlessly at persistent stains, let this gentle cleaning paste work its magic overnight. A quick wash in the a.m. and your dishes are good as new.

It's also a money-saver. Pam's all-natural stain remover uses inexpensive ingredients you likely already have at home. Vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap cost pennies compared to pricey cleaners and bleach.

Which brings us to the eco angle. Many popular cleaning products come in single-use plastic containers that end up in landfills. Some also contain harsh chemicals that can pollute waterways.

🗣️ What of these benefits would most effectively motivate you to use fewer plastic-packaged cleaning products?

🔘 Freeing up shelf space ✨

🔘 Avoiding toxins and microplastics ☠️

🔘 Saving money 💰

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By DIYing your stain solution with nontoxic ingredients, you eliminate the need for disposable bottles while keeping your home safe and spotless. That's a win-win for your wallet and the environment.

In fact, Pam's hack doesn't stand alone. There are cheap, natural alternatives to many popular cleaning products that can save money and reduce plastic usage around the home while being just as effective and often safer, from defogging headlights with an orange to boiling stains off your Dutch oven.

What people are saying

Pam's simple trick has YouTube users bubbling with excitement in the comments:

"I love this way better than bleach. And sometimes bleach wouldn't work. I'm definitely gonna start using this method."

"Thank you Miss Pam! I'll be trying this remedy soon!"

"You are such a wealth of information, knowledge, and talent with the most positive attitude!"

So, the next time spaghetti night threatens to leave a lasting impression on your dishes, break out the vinegar, dish soap, and baking soda. With this easy hack, you can enjoy your pasta with a side of sustainability.

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