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Beauty guru shares simple cleaning method to remove grimy buildup on hairbrushes: 'My brushes looked brand-new'

"Running to wash mine."

"Running to wash mine."

Photo Credit: TikTok

There are some things we clean regularly like the bathroom, windows, and laundry. On the other hand, there are some things we rarely clean that could really use it. A beauty influencer on TikTok shared the low-cost way she cleans her hair brushes. 

The scoop

LeeSondra (@leesondra) shares hair and makeup tutorials with over 140,000 followers on TikTok. In one clip, she shares how she gives her hair brushes a long overdue cleaning. She starts by filling up a container with lukewarm water and then adds baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Lee then puts all her brushes face down and lets them soak for around 10 minutes. 

@leesondra I can't believe I let my hair brushes get like this!!! 👀🤮 Products used - Luke warm water Baking soda Hydrogen peroxide Rubbing alcohol #hairtips #hairbrushclean #hairbrushes #cleanhairbrushes ♬ original sound - LeeSondra

After the brushes soak, Lee gives her brushes a good scrubbing. "I was trying to make sure all that gunk was out," she says. 

She then added a little peroxide to make sure they were extra clean. Next, she rinsed them off with water and did one final rinse with rubbing alcohol. "My brushes looked brand-new and so clean," Lee shares.

How it's helping

Cleaning with products like hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and rubbing alcohol is a cheap and easy way to make an eco-friendly change to your day-to-day life. You can learn more about these household cleaners in our guide and see how you can save nearly $100 a year making the swap.

Most of the most well-known cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can leach into our water systems and cause problems like algae blooms, writes Organica Biotech. Additionally, while many of us think of bleach as the pinnacle of cleaning, it can actually cause more harm than good. For example, one expert from Bio-One warned that it can cause a toxic chemical reaction when it's used to treat mold.

However, using cleaning products you probably already have at home saves you a trip to the store and also reduces plastic waste that often ends up in landfills, a win-win for you and the planet.

Cleaning with safer alternatives like peroxide and rubbing alcohol is better for your health, the environment, and your wallet. What's not to like about that?

🗣️ What of these benefits would most effectively motivate you to use fewer plastic-packaged cleaning products?

🔘 Freeing up shelf space ✨

🔘 Avoiding toxins and microplastics ☠️

🔘 Saving money 💰

🔘 Not interested 🚫

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What people are saying

Commenters have had similarly satisfying cleaning experiences. One person said, "I just did the same love me some clean hair brushes."

Someone else wrote, "Running to wash mine."

We always love a satisfying cleaning hack. Seeing the before and after is always so gratifying. 

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